<Swing Dev> <AWT Dev> Inefficiencies with custom TableCellRenderer and Applets
Artem Ananiev
Artem.Ananiev at Sun.COM
Fri May 23 07:12:25 UTC 2008
Shannon Hickey wrote:
> Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've created a library which has to use custom TableCellRenderers for
>> its tables.
>> I experienced a large performance difference between running my
>> application as Application inside an JFrame and as an JApplet.
>> Parented inside of the JFrame scrolling the table was smooth, however
>> scrolling inside the applet was slow, especially if the mouse is over
>> the table while scrolling.
>> I did some profiling with netbeans-profiler and found the root-cause:
>> BasicTableUI.paintCell->CellRendererPane.paintComponent->Container.validate->Component.updateCursorImmediatly->GlobalCursorManager.updateCursorImmediatly()->_updateCursor....
>> The updateCursorImmediatly was called both times about 16.000 times,
>> with JFrame it consumed 22% of the cycles which is already
>> inefficient.
>> As JApplet it calls into getLocationOnScreen() which calls down till
>> XBaseWindow.toOtherWindow even slower which is about as slow as
>> updating the Cursor itself, so as applet it consumes 48% of all EDT
>> cycles.
What a sad story... I will file a bug against AWT about this problem.
>> The DefaultTableCellRenderer simply overrides validate with an empty
>> method, therefor no such calls are done.
>> But why does CellRendererPane.paintComponent() call validate at all?
> CellRendererPain takes an argument that dictates whether or not it
> validates. In most cases it's told to validate by the caller since the
> renderer may need to do layout on its children.
> I suggest you override validate() on your custom renderer to do nothing,
> the same way the DefaultTableCellRenderer does.
>> If it cannot be avoided, is there no way to cache stuff in
>> XBaseWindow.toOtherWindow at all?
We have some kind of caching for this call, however in the case of
applets (embedded frames) it doesn't work very well...
> You'll have to ask the AWT team about this. I've CC'd them.
> Shannon
>> Thanks, lg Clemens
>> Very simple TableCellRenderer which triggers the slowness:
>> JLabel renderer = new JLabel();
>> public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
>> Object value,
>> boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
>> renderer.setText((String)value);
>> renderer.setOpaque(true);
>> return renderer;
>> }
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