<Swing Dev> JViewport Performance issues

Chen, Ronald ronald_chen at plugpower.com
Fri May 30 17:53:05 UTC 2008

Hello Swing Dev,


Could we get some visibility on bugs 4478765 and 4486696?


I noticed there are a lot of flash based applications that use the mouse
drag to scroll in all directions.  This is a great user interface
device, but it currently cannot be implemented in Swing due to
performance bug 4486696.


The current work around is to do something like what JadeDisplay did
using their JViewportImage



If you look at the implementation, you'll see that bug 4478765 made it
very difficult.


This is one of those bugs that developers run into and just continue to
think Java has poor performance, while this is actually just an API
performance issue.  I've tested JViewportImage, and while it only works
for opaque components (but can be implemented to work with all
components), it improved perceived performance by an order of magnitude
when implementing drag scroll.



Ronald Chen


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