<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal: gtk
Phil Race
Phil.Race at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 13 17:30:46 UTC 2008
To the best of my knowledge, you won't be able to commit.
Pavel should act as sponsor and commit the patch on your behalf.
To be able commit to a repo on the OpenJDK site you need to have
an OpenJDK user id. To get that I think you need to be voted in as
a member of a project or group. Submitting patches is a step in
the process towards being considered for election as a member.
Mark: Is this right?
I've trawled around the openjdk site looking for a definite
statement on how this works, but can't locate one, but I
think there must be something on this.
Mark: Is there an FAQ on this?
Florian Brunner wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> ok, thanks. But do I have the access rights to commit changes to
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk ? Is it open for everybody?
> How do you ensure, that only reviewed stuff gets into the jdk?
> You said you filed a new bug for the change (6771030), but I cannot find
> it at
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/
> Also note that all my patches so far were related to issue 6179357.
> -Florian
> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>> Hi Florian,
>> I approved your fix and now you can commit it. Don't forget write
>> appropriate changeset comment (see
>> http://openjdk.java.net/guide/producingChangeset.html#changesetComment).
>> I filed a bug for your change:
>> <bugid>: 6771030
>> <synopsis-of-symptom>: Code improvement and warnings removing from the
>> com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk package
>> Let me know if you have any question.
>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>> Hi Pavel,
>>> I fixed the 2 issues.
>>> -Florian
>>> Am Mittwoch, 12. November 2008 schrieb Pavel Porvatov:
>>>> Hi Florian,
>>>> Your fix looks very good. I have a couple comments:
>>>> 1.
>>>> com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKColorChooserPanel.ColorTriangle#colorWheelLo
>>>> cationToRGB - can you fix javadoc please (this is a private method).
>>>> The
>>>> last
>>>> "param" tag should be replaced by "return" tag
>>>> 2.
>>>> @@ -895,10 +895,10 @@ class GTKFileChooserUI extends SynthFile
>>>> private class GTKDirectoryModel extends BasicDirectoryModel {
>>>> FileSystemView fsv;
>>>> - private Comparator fileComparator = new Comparator() {
>>>> - public int compare(Object o, Object o1) {
>>>> - return fsv.getSystemDisplayName((File) o).compareTo
>>>> - (fsv.getSystemDisplayName((File) o1));
>>>> + private Comparator<File> fileComparator = new
>>>> Comparator<File>() {
>>>> + public int compare(File o, File o1) {
>>>> + return fsv.getSystemDisplayName(o).compareTo
>>>> + (fsv.getSystemDisplayName(o1));
>>>> }
>>>> };
>>>> Can you make return statement in a single line please
>>>> Regards, Pavel.
>>>>> Hi Pavel,
>>>>> any news about my patch?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> -Florian
>>>>> Am Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008 schrieb Pavel Porvatov:
>>>>>> Hi Florian,
>>>>>> Thanks for your patch. I'll review your patch in two-three weeks and
>>>>>> mail you response.
>>>>>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> here another patch to remove warnings in the gtk package.
>>>>>>> When compiling with
>>>>>>> -Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation
>>>>>>> -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 2300
>>>>>>> this patch reduces the number of reported warnings from 201 to 112.
>>>>>>> Again, I tried only to change things related to the warnings and
>>>>>>> not to
>>>>>>> change any public or protected APIs in public or protected
>>>>>>> classes in
>>>>>>> this patch.
>>>>>>> At many places I tried to add type parameters as meaningful as
>>>>>>> possible, but with some cases I just used Object, if a more
>>>>>>> meaningful
>>>>>>> type parameter was not so trivial. You might want to refactor
>>>>>>> this if
>>>>>>> needed. (Though everything should work as it is.)
>>>>>>> -Florian
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