<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Thu Nov 20 00:34:42 UTC 2008


here another patch to remove warnings in the Swing classes.

When compiling with
-Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 
this patch reduces the number of reported warnings from 112 to 95.

Again, I tried only to change things related to the warnings and not to change 
any public or protected APIs in public or protected classes in this patch.

At many places I tried to add type parameters as meaningful as possible, 
but with some cases I just used Object, if a more meaningful type 
parameter was not so trivial. You might want to refactor this if needed. 
(Though everything should work as it is.)

In this past year we could reduce the number of reported warnings from ca. 
1277 to 95 when compiling with
-Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 

When this patch will be commited, I will finally start working on the actual 
task: adding generics to the Swing-framework. With 'only' 95 warnings left, 
it should be much easier now to see if I introduce new warnings while working 
on this task (especially unchecked and cast warnings). 

-------------- next part --------------
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