<Swing Dev> Binary files in Nimbus

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 9 05:15:05 UTC 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Earlier today you pushed Nimbus into the JDK 7 Swing forest [1].  I'm
>> happy to see Nimbus get in, but later on the #openjdk IRC channel Andrew
>> Hughes pointed out that the changes include seven binary jar files [2].
>> When we open-sourced JDK 7 we took great pains to eliminate all binary
>> files from the source tree, and as a matter of policy they are no longer
>> allowed.  In retrospect we could've communicated this more often and more
>> widely, and we'll certainly do that going forward.  I'm also going to
>> look into enhancing the jcheck extension to check for binary files.
>> In the meantime, we need to get rid of these jar files.  I suggest that
>> the best route forward is for me to do a rollback of the Nimbus changeset
>> on the server side and then for you to rework the code so that these jar
>> files are no longer required.
>> I'd still like to see Nimbus in M3, and I'll support integration into a
>> later build as long as it's okay with SQE, but removing these jar files
>> is a higher priority.  Aside from the fact that they're binary files,
>> some of them contain code that has not been approved by Sun Legal for
>> inclusion in OpenJDK.
>> If anyone sees a problem with this plan, please let me know ASAP.
>> - Mark
>> [1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk/rev/c5cd40f1f596
>> [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk/file/c5cd40f1f596/make/tools/swing-nimbus/libs/
> My thanks to Mark for raising this.  Blobs of unknown JAR code have
> been a problem in the past for including OpenJDK in the GNU/Linux
> distributions, and it would be a shame to take a backwards step on
> this.
> These ones do just appear to be http://jibx.sourceforge.net/, so
> providing some way to point to the JAR files instead should be
> sufficient.  awt16.jar can be dumped, given OpenJDK (AFAIR) is
> supposed to be built with a 1.6 JDK.
> On the positive side, the patch applies to OpenJDK6 with a few simple
> modifications, and by copying across the JAR files manually to
> make/tools/swing-nimbus/libs, I was able to build with the following
> patch:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/show_bug.cgi?id=100037
> So anyone wanting to try Nimbus on OpenJDK6 today, feel free :)

Once the binary file problems are resolved, I'm open to having Nimbus 
ported to the OpenJDK 6 master repository.


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