<Swing Dev> Background/Foreground colors and Gtk Look and Feel

Alexander Potochkin Alexander.Potochkin at Sun.COM
Thu Jun 25 13:58:15 UTC 2009

Hello Joel

If you just need to have a multiple line JLabel,
you may be interested in following discussion:



> Thus spake Alexander Potochkin:
>> Hello Gentlemen
>> The truth is that L&F can completely ignore the background and 
>> foreground properties
>> see JComponent.setBackground() javadoc:
>>       * It is up to the look and feel to honor this property, some may
>>       * choose to ignore it.
>> So for reliable implementation I'd recommend to choose another technique
>> You may be interested in this blog
>> http://polygoncell.blogspot.com/2008/07/validation-module-for-swing-applicati
>> on.html
>> Thanks
>> alexp
> Thanks for the reply, but the technique in the blog post seems only to
> show how you'd decorate a component of type X which is being used as
> in the role of a component of type X. It doesn't address at all the
> problem of using a component of type Y in the role of a component of
> type X.
> The concrete problem I faced was that I needed a label which would have
> fully-justified text that would reflow when resized. So far as I was
> able to tell, there is no way to do this with JLabel. On the other hand,
> it's not terribly hard to subclass a JTextPane to get the text behavior
> I want. However, then I have the problem that a JTextPane doesn't look
> like a JLabel in some LAFs. I thought that I could overcome this by 
> getting the foreground and background colors for JLabel from UIManager,
> and then setting those on my custom JTextPane. But setBackground() isn't
> guaranteed to work in all LAFs, and it just happens that the one LAF
> where I absolutely want it to work (GTK) is one where it doesn't.
> What I see as the fundamental problem here is that component classes
> and component roles are treated as identical. It should be possible
> to tell Swing that component X has the role Label, and therefore paint
> it like one. This should not depend on component X being a JLabel, as
> that ties the role to the implementation.
> Am I making sense here? I still don't see my way through this.

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