<Swing Dev> 6179357: Generics: JList: ListCellRenderer & prototypeCellValue

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Tue Mar 3 23:08:54 UTC 2009

Ok, here is a first sample.

It's really small, maybe not 100% real-world, but should be useful to show what can be gained from 


Am Dienstag, 3. März 2009 schrieb Alexander Potochkin:
> Hello Tom
> It's nice to see you here
> >> Could you please provide a complete example of a JList
> >> with a custom ListCellRenderer that proves that renderer should be
> >> generified
> >
> > I bet if you used NetBeans to find implementations of ListCellRenderer
> > even within the JDK most useful implementations would cast the value
> > argument.
> anyway, it is always better to have a fixed set of examples to discuss
> > (I prefer option 3, btw.)
> Thanks
> alexp
> > Tom Hawtin

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