<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357: Generics: JList

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Thu Mar 26 12:43:47 UTC 2009

Hi Pavel,

OK, I'll do that as soon as I find some time (probably this week).

I just had shortly scanned the "Submit a patch" section and I have some 

- Should I add a bug report for each planed patch (Generics: JList, 
Generics: JComboBox,...) or is it fine to just file one report for 
sunbug=6179357, which will be closed when we can close the sunbug?
- Should I set your username with the sponsor flag? What is your 
username? :-)


Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
> Hi Florian,
> Please take a look at the http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/ page, 
> especially at *Submit a patch* section. We are trying to standardize 
> contribution process, so you should create a new bug report in the 
> OpenJDK Bugzilla system and add your patch there.
> Thanks, Pavel.
> P.S. I'm looking at your patch regardless of a bug report, but you 
> should create the bug report.
>> Hi,
>> so, here I prepared a first patch to "generify" JList, along with: 
>> AbstractListModel, DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultListModel, 
>> ListCellRenderer and ListModel.
>> -Florian

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