<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357: Generics: JList

Pavel Porvatov Pavel.Porvatov at Sun.COM
Thu Mar 26 14:01:23 UTC 2009

Hi Florian,

>  > - Should I add a bug report for each planed patch (Generics: JList, 
> Generics: JComboBox,...)
>  >> Yes > or is it fine to just file one report for sunbug=6179357, 
> which will be closed when we can close the sunbug?
>  >> Actually your patch doesn't relative to sunbug 6179357, therefore 
> you should leave this field empty.
> I don't understand. The whole swing-generics project started to fix:
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6179357
TreeModel and ListModel have nothing in common. So your patch doesn't 
relative to sunbug 6179357.

> and the related
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6303622
I'm going to file another bug which will be more specific. Therefore 
I'll be able to close it after generification of JList will be 
completed. This way allows to track changes in the sources and releases.

Regards, Pavel.

> Why do you think the current work is not related?
> -Florian
> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>> Hi Florian,
>>> OK, I'll do that as soon as I find some time (probably this week).
>>> I just had shortly scanned the "Submit a patch" section and I have 
>>> some questions:
>>> - Should I add a bug report for each planed patch (Generics: JList, 
>>> Generics: JComboBox,...) 
>> Yes
>>> or is it fine to just file one report for sunbug=6179357, which will 
>>> be closed when we can close the sunbug?
>> Actually your patch doesn't relative to sunbug 6179357, therefore you 
>> should leave this field empty.
>>> - Should I set your username with the sponsor flag? 
>> No
>>> What is your username? :-)
>> I'll fill this field later
>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>> -Florian
>>> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>>>> Hi Florian,
>>>> Please take a look at the http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/ page, 
>>>> especially at *Submit a patch* section. We are trying to standardize 
>>>> contribution process, so you should create a new bug report in the 
>>>> OpenJDK Bugzilla system and add your patch there.
>>>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>>> P.S. I'm looking at your patch regardless of a bug report, but you 
>>>> should create the bug report.
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> so, here I prepared a first patch to "generify" JList, along with: 
>>>>> AbstractListModel, DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultListModel, 
>>>>> ListCellRenderer and ListModel.
>>>>> -Florian

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