<Swing Dev> Issue 5090726 - GTK L&F: Need new FileChooserUI to match native GTK 2.4 widget

Costantino Cerbo c.cerbo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 01:42:19 UTC 2009


To implement the new GTK file chooser I've started this open source project:

I've just released the first beta version tested on Fedora 10 and
Ubuntu 9.04 and I'd like to integrate it in the JDK: how do we do

You can already run a full working demo, download the .zip for the
last version, unpack it and run
  $ java -jar gtkjfilechooser-demo.jar

Other useful infos are in the wiki pages.

I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback
Best Regards,
Costantino - Stuttgart, Germany

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