<Swing Dev> Issue 5090726 - GTK L&F: Need new FileChooserUI to match native GTK 2.4 widget
Pavel Porvatov
Pavel.Porvatov at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 12 11:01:52 UTC 2009
Hi Costantino,
I run the demo and it looks good. Please take a look at my comments:
1. Gaps between components differ from the original FileChooser
2. Some bitmaps differ from the original FileChooser
3. I got some errors (see attach)
Regards, Pavel.
> Hello Pavel,
> Could you try with this updated version:
> http://gtkjfilechooser.googlecode.com/files/GtkJFileChooser_v1.3.1.zip
> The reason for this exception is that I'use the native gtk bundles for the I18N.
> For example under Fedora it is in
> /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/gtk20.mo
> But under Ubuntu and Suse respectively in /usr/share/locale-langpack
> and /usr/share/locale-bundle
> What OS do you use? and where is your gtk20.mo?
> I know, that isn't the standay way the I18N is done in Swing, but for
> the moment I wanted to "recycle" the gnome bundles.
> For the next releases we can adopt the standard Swing way.
> Let me know if now it works correctly.
> Bye,
> Costantino
> P.S.: The error was here:
> http://code.google.com/p/gtkjfilechooser/source/browse/branches/release_1_3/GtkJFileChooser/src/eu/kostia/gtkjfilechooser/I18N.java
> I've also writtern a wiki page about gettext:
> http://code.google.com/p/gtkjfilechooser/wiki/GettextResource
> 2009/11/9 Pavel Porvatov <Pavel.Porvatov at sun.com>:
>> Hi Costantino,
>> I've tried to run the demo but I got the next exception:
>> java -jar gtkjfilechooser-demo.jar
>> Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOError: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>> Cannot find resource null
>> at
>> eu.kostia.gtkjfilechooser.GettextResource.<init>(GettextResource.java:187)
>> at eu.kostia.gtkjfilechooser.I18N.<clinit>(I18N.java:45)
>> at
>> eu.kostia.gtkjfilechooser.ui.GtkFileChooserUI.installStrings(GtkFileChooserUI.java:752)
>> at
>> javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.installDefaults(BasicFileChooserUI.java:241)
>> at
>> javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.installUI(BasicFileChooserUI.java:156)
>> at javax.swing.JComponent.setUI(JComponent.java:664)
>> at javax.swing.JFileChooser.updateUI(JFileChooser.java:1787)
>> at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setup(JFileChooser.java:374)
>> at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>(JFileChooser.java:347)
>> at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>(JFileChooser.java:300)
>> at
>> eu.kostia.gtkjfilechooser.demo.FileChooserDemo.<init>(FileChooserDemo.java:135)
>> at
>> eu.kostia.gtkjfilechooser.demo.FileChooserDemo.main(FileChooserDemo.java:638)
>> Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find resource null
>> ... 12 more
>> Regards, Pavel
>>> Hello,
>>> To implement the new GTK file chooser I've started this open source
>>> project:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/gtkjfilechooser/
>>> I've just released the first beta version tested on Fedora 10 and
>>> Ubuntu 9.04 and I'd like to integrate it in the JDK: how do we do
>>> that?
>>> You can already run a full working demo, download the .zip for the
>>> last version, unpack it and run
>>> $ java -jar gtkjfilechooser-demo.jar
>>> Other useful infos are in the wiki pages.
>>> I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Costantino - Stuttgart, Germany
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