<Swing Dev> javax.swing.TimerQueue does not run

Martin, Stefan stefan.martin at hob.de
Thu Nov 26 16:08:08 UTC 2009


I found a bug in the class javax.swing.TimerQueue.
The bug occurs in openjdk-6-src-b17-14_oct_2009 on Linux.

The bug occurs a when using a javax.swing.JMenu inside another JMenu, the inner menu doesn't popup correctly.

The reason is that the Timer is not running.

I changed the file "javax/swing/TimerQueue.java" and moved the statement "running = true;"
in front of the Thread.start() method call.

synchronized void start() {
        if (running) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't start a TimerQueue " +
                                       "that is already running");
        else {
            final ThreadGroup threadGroup =
            running = true;
                new java.security.PrivilegedAction() {
                public Object run() {
                    Thread timerThread = new Thread(threadGroup, TimerQueue.this,
                    return null;

Best regards

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