<Swing Dev> The method XMLEncoder.writeObject(TreePath) goes into infinite recursion

Pavel Tisnovsky ptisnovs at redhat.com
Fri Oct 23 15:00:18 UTC 2009


the method XMLEncoder.writeObject() goes into infinite recursion, when 
object to be marshalled is of type TreePath. This bug (which causes
StackOverflowException, of course) occurs in Sun JDK (6) as well in 

Tested on: OpenJDK6 and IcedTead6-1.6 @ Fedora 10 (i386) and RHEL 5.3 

This bug also causes failures of regression test 
(at least on systems mentioned above).

Very simple application, which fails after calling 
XMLEncoder.writeObject(TreePath) can be downloaded from

However I don't have patch for this bug (at least yet) and I'm not sure, 
if I have to report this issue on http://bugs.sun.com or if somebody 
already working on this bug. Have you got any suggestions?

Pavel Tisnovsky

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