<Swing Dev> Synth LnF developers?

Alexander Potochkin Alexander.Potochkin at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 30 13:31:13 UTC 2009

Hello Matthieu

I am happy to report that the bug
#6771547: SynthParser throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException parsing
custom ColorTypes

has been fixed for JDK 6u18

Thanks for your cooperation

> Thanks for your answer Alex.
> I don't know and can't find the id of the bug that I initially submitted
> nor the login that I then used (now you must really think it's a joke
> :C) However, I found another submission for the same problem: 6771547.
> I added a comment to that submission explaining the fix / workaround.
> Sorry for not creating a patch, test case and so forth, I am just doing
> this on my leisure time. The problem is just an incorrect use of
> String.substring().
> BTW, I think synth has a great potential, I really like it. It is
> central to my current 'leisure project'.
> Thanks again and best regards,
> Matthieu
> Alexander Potochkin wrote:
>> Hello Matthieu
>> I Alex, the tech lead of Swing team
>> Please give the bug's number and your fix
>> feel free to add any additional comments
>> I'll keep an eye on this bug
>> Thanks
>> alexp
>>> Hello there,
>>> I would like to get in touch with one of the active developers of synth.
>>> Here is why: I filed a bug a few years ago, and a fix. For some reason,
>>> it had no response (well, some email telling the bug was entered, but I
>>> never got the email indicating that it was
>>> reviewed/rejected/accepted/forgotten). However, I swear that if you look
>>> at that one line of code in SynthParser you'll find it obvious and fix
>>> it in less than one sec (and maybe be ashamed :C)...
>>> The bug ruins one of the advance features of synth.
>>> I hope to get some answer here!
>>> Best,
>>> Matthieu

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