<Swing Dev> <AWT Dev>Fw:reviewrequestfor6899434:Addaffinetransformsupport to JLayer
Alexander Potochkin
Alexander.Potochkin at Sun.COM
Wed Feb 24 15:39:48 UTC 2010
> Hi Alex, Anthony and others,
Hello Piet
> Aha, I misinterpreted the request to only an awt change.
> I'll start working on an uptaed implementation on the swing side
> (RepaintManager, JPopupMenu, ToolTipManager and JComponent), only using
> toLayoutSpace and toRendereredSpace in Container.
> Then I'll also be able to create a simple test with some custom
> transforming component.
> This will take some more time :-)
Thanks much!
> Thanks Piet
>> Hello Piet
>>>> Piet, could you please make a new webrev for 6929295?
>>>> It should be basically the same fix as for 6899434
>>>> but with no changes in JLayer
>>> Done. Please see here http://www.pbjar.org/OpenJDK/6929295/webrev/
>> The main idea is to enable users to easily use transforms in custom
>> Swing components, so we need all the stuff for the RM, ToolTipManager
>> etc..
>> just JLayer is to be excluded
>>> (It is created from the same respository, hence the misleading name
>>> insiade the webrev)
>>> I couldn't find rfe 6929295 in the bug database. Perhaps it's not yet
>>> publicly available?
>> It usually takes a couple of days to show up in the database
>>> Changes versus the last version v3.2:
>>> 1) Added a check on nativeContainer (I don't think it is necessary, but
>>> it doesn't hurt)
>>> 2) Edited the API doc for the two new methods
>>>> It would be really great if we manage to do only with
>>>> toLayoutSpace()/toRenderedSpace() methods
>>>> without using JComponent.inverseTransformVisibleRectangle()
>>>> I hope you can emulate it by transforming the corner points of the
>>>> rectangle with toLayoutSpace() method and using its bounds
>>>> inside the JComponent.computeVisibleRect() method.
>>> Technically such a computation is possible. However, the
>>> JLayer.inverseTransformVisibleRectangle() does something more:
>>> it intersect the resulting rectangle with the transformed view bounds.
>>> But let's discuss that later.
>> Is it possible to implement this computation right now?
>> I am afraid we also need at least one simple test
>> with a custom Swing component with overridden
>> toLayoutSpace()/toRenderedSpace()
>> Thanks much and sorry for the confusion!
>> alexp
>>>> For the default case (no transforms, rectangles only) it will be cheap
>>>> and will simplify the usage of the new feature for the Swing
>>>> developers.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> alexp
>>>>> Hi Artem
>>>>>> On 2/16/2010 6:12 PM, Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Artem
>>>>>>>> Hi, Piet,
>>>>>>>> the fix looks pretty good in general. Some small comments:
>>>>>>>> 1. As we're about to introduce 2 new public methods into
>>>>>>>> Container, we
>>>>>>>> need to provide a description of "layout space" and "render
>>>>>>>> space". I
>>>>>>>> hope you or Alex will take care of this.
>>>>>>> What about the following descriptions?
>>>>>>> Layout space refers to user space (coordinates in the layout
>>>>>>> system).
>>>>>>> Rendered space refers to device space (coordinates on the screen).
>>>>>>> Please see (link to) AffineTransform.
>>>>>> Probably, we should mention that layout coordinates are the ones used
>>>>>> by LayoutManager and other Container stuff. For example,
>>>>>> Component.getBounds() always returns layout rectangle, not rendered
>>>>>> one.
>>>>> Ok, good addition. I'll add that clarification.
>>>>>>>> 2. Could toRenderedSpace() throw NoninvertibleTransformException as
>>>>>>>> well?
>>>>>>> No. toRenderedSpace() is a direct transformation with any of
>>>>>>> AffineTransform's transform() methods.
>>>>>>> This in contrast to inverse operations as used in toLayoutSpace(),
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> AffineTransform's createInverse() and inverseTransform() methods
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> may throw this exception.
>>>>>> It depends on what we consider a forward transform and a reverse
>>>>>> transform :) And don't forget there may be non-affine transforms...
>>>>> Any transform, be it affine or non-affine is able by definition to
>>>>> transform, otherwise it's not a transform :-)
>>>>> Only inverse transform can be problematic. That is, when two different
>>>>> points, after transformation, result in the same point. Valid during
>>>>> transform. But impossible to do an inverse. Analogous to
>>>>> multiplying by
>>>>> zero is valid, but the operation can't be inversed.
>>>>>>>> 3. getRenderedSpaceShift() - should we traverse containers up to
>>>>>>>> null
>>>>>>>> or up to the nativeContainer?
>>>>>>> Good point. For testing I added a test "not nativeContainer" to the
>>>>>>> null
>>>>>>> test and everything still works (in my own test suite that is far
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>> complex than the provided jtreg test cases).
>>>>>>> getRenderedSpaceShift() is invoked from eventDispatched. It should
>>>>>>> do a
>>>>>>> traversal that is analogous to the traversal there.
>>>>>>> In general, I'm not sure about the role of "nativeContainer" and
>>>>>>> how it
>>>>>>> is used. For example, I don't know if (one or more) native
>>>>>>> containers
>>>>>>> can be present in the hierachy between a Window and the lowest child
>>>>>>> component. Or is the top Window always the native container? If
>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>> not the case, could you depict some hierarchy example where a native
>>>>>>> container is a child somewhere in the hierarchy of a JLayer's view?
>>>>>>> Then
>>>>>>> I can do a more comprehensive test.
>>>>>> nativeContainer is a basic part of LightweightDispatcher
>>>>>> machinery: it
>>>>>> is the container, always heavyweight, which is served by the
>>>>>> dispatcher. An obvious example is how all the mouse events are
>>>>>> dispatched: we (AWT) receive events for heavyweight components
>>>>>> only as
>>>>>> the underlying OS isn't aware of our lightweight Swing components.
>>>>>> When the event is dispatched to a heavyweight container, it's
>>>>>> lightweight dispatcher retargets it to a proper lightweight child.
>>>>>> Given that we won't support transformations for heavyweight
>>>>>> components
>>>>>> (BTW, it should also be reflected in JavaDoc), it's enough to care
>>>>>> about nativeContainer children only.
>>>>> 1) I'll add a remark to the new public methods that they only apply to
>>>>> lightweight components.
>>>>> 2) I'll study your remarks and decide if I'll add a check on
>>>>> nativeContainer.
>>>>> I'll let you know if and when a version 3.2 is available.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>> Please let me know, so I can prepare a version 3.2 if needed (and
>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>> the descriptions at the same time)
>>>>>> 3.2 is only required if you make any significant changes based on the
>>>>>> current discussion.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Piet.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>>> On 2/12/2010 10:53 AM, Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Artem,
>>>>>>>>> The webrev for version 3.1:
>>>>>>>>> http://www.pbjar.org/OpenJDK/6899434/version-3.1/webrev/
>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Piet,
>>>>>>>>>> the 3rd version looks really great! I haven't looked to Swing
>>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>> much, though :)
>>>>>>>>>> A small suggestion is to unify getRenderedSpaceShift() and
>>>>>>>>>> getLayoutSpaceShift(), so they both accept a Component and a
>>>>>>>>>> Point to
>>>>>>>>>> translate. Could they also be static methods? It seems not, as I
>>>>>>>>>> see a
>>>>>>>>>> reference to "nativeContainer" in getLayoutSpaceShift()...
>>>>>>>>> I unified both methods and made them static after adding
>>>>>>>>> nativeContainer
>>>>>>>>> as a parameter to both. Their signature is now:
>>>>>>>>> private static Point getXXXSpaceShift(Component target, Point
>>>>>>>>> dstPoint,
>>>>>>>>> Container nativeContainer)
>>>>>>>>> (the nativeContainer argument is used in only one of the methods)
>>>>>>>>> For the swing guys: in SwingUtilities and RepaintManager, where
>>>>>>>>> iterating over the parent hierarchy, I added a check to "parent !=
>>>>>>>>> null"
>>>>>>>>> to also check "!(parent instanceof Window)".
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>>>>> On 2/11/2010 5:25 PM, Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>> Please find a third version for the webrev here:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.pbjar.org/OpenJDK/6899434/version-3/webrev/
>>>>>>>>>>> AWTAccessor removed again
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 protected methods for Container: toLayoutSpace(x,y) and
>>>>>>>>>>> toRenderedSpace(x,y), overridden in JLayer.
>>>>>>>>>>> Use getContainer() in getRenderedSpaceShift(), but
>>>>>>>>>>> getParent() in
>>>>>>>>>>> getLayoutSpaceShift(). The latter because it is called from
>>>>>>>>>>> retargetMouseEvent which itself uses getParent() when finding
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchy translation value.
>>>>>>>>>>> Indented the try block
>>>>>>>>>>> Added some jtreg test cases, one a manual test.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please review again
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anthony,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Piet,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The version #2 looks very good.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks, yes. Unfortunately, later I detected that it doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>>>>>> missing something. Oh yes, I carried out a comprehensive manual
>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>> but the test setup was wrong: I tested against the version
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1! (A
>>>>>>>>>>>> jtreg
>>>>>>>>>>>> test was carried out against version 2 and was succesfull).
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll try to manually add a remark to that webrev to state that
>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> invalid and should not be used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/9/2010 4:30 PM Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) The implementation in version 2 will be used but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AWTAccessor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So that the Component.transform is moved over to the JLayer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> class,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> right? That would be great.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Container.toLayoutSpace(Point) will become protected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Container implementation does nothing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) LightweightDispatcher.toLayoutSpace(MouseEvent) will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private and static, but will be rewritten to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Container.toLayoutSpace(Point) in a hierachy loop.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) LightweightDispatcher.concatenateHierarchyTransforms()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> course be removed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like the proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As said, something was missing: A
>>>>>>>>>>>> Container.toRenderedSpace(point) is
>>>>>>>>>>>> needed as well. This method must return the normal transformed
>>>>>>>>>>>> point,
>>>>>>>>>>>> as opposed to toLayoutSpace() that returns the inverse
>>>>>>>>>>>> transformed
>>>>>>>>>>>> point.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And yes, like Artem pointed out in an earlier post, this
>>>>>>>>>>>> leaves the
>>>>>>>>>>>> option open for implementers to choose for a transformation
>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>> AffineTransform. Fish eye, some sinus, whatever. (Curious to
>>>>>>>>>>>> know how
>>>>>>>>>>>> one would implement the actual rendering, but that's beside the
>>>>>>>>>>>> point).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A minor comment regarding the code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> src/share/classes/java/awt/Container.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4875 Component parent = comp.getParent();
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest to use the getContainer() method instead. If the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> comp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> window, the getParent() may actually return an owner of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> window,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which we certainly don't want to deal with.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aha, wasn't aware of getContainer() (package private). Very
>>>>>>>>>>>> good.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, please make sure you format the code according the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> guidelines:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Container.java the code put in the new try{} blocks must be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly indented.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This I was wondering about: should I or shouldn't I (touch code
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> is otherwise not altered). Now I know, thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise looks fine. Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, I'm working on version 3. And this time actually testing
>>>>>>>>>>>> against
>>>>>>>>>>>> this same version 3! I'm still working on some more simple
>>>>>>>>>>>> jtreg
>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>> cases and I'll change to getContainer() and indent correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know if you agree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/8/2010 2:27 PM, Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Artem,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To demonstrate the implemention via the AWTAccessor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pattern, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version 2 implementation:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.pbjar.org/OpenJDK/6899434/version-2/webrev/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This implementation is much cleaner than the original one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward for yout comments,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Artem,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem with making existing methods public is that it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half of the problem at hand:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Locate the correct component (can be solved)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Recalculating the mouse point from rendered space to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> layout
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> space
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not solved because the locating methods only return a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recalculation is needed to correctly set a mouse point in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> events, relative to the target component.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In my proposed implementation the shift caused by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transformations is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stored when looking up the target (for future use:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> events
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the original event). This future is quite an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> immediate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because creating a new event from an existing event will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> always be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directly preceded by looking up that target event.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An alternative would be to again iterate through the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the transformations. This must be done in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LightweightDispatcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) retargetMouseEvent (an inverse transform is needed, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Container method getConvertedPoint can be used)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) eventDispatched. Unfortunately here an ordinary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transform is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed, so a second new Container method must be defined
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ordinary transform.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But.... a completely different approach is also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in an earlier version, so I know that it works. With this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> approach no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new public or protected methods need to be introduced
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods need to go public or protected. All remains
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That approach is as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Define the AffineTransform as a private field in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Component.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Use the AWTAccessor pattern to make the transform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Container and LightweightDispatcher and in swing classes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) In Container and LightweightDispatcher, get the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transformations when needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In my opinion, the solution with the AWTAccessor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pattern is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cleanest. However, it requires Component and AWTAccessor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> touched.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know what you think.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Piet,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't looked through the entire webrev and inspected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mostly an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AWT part of the fix. A question is whether it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get rid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the new "conversionShift" field in Container, to make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transformations support really stateless?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another option to consider is to make some of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (e.g. getMouseEventTargetImpl()) public instead of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> introducing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new ones.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/28/2010 8:21 PM, Piet Blok wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review request for 6899434: Add affine transform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JLayer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The webrev: http://www.pbjar.org/OpenJDK/6899434/webrev/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The patch covers all the requested functionality. It is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concentrated in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JLayer class, keeping in mind to affect the library as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> little as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) A setter and getter for the transform in JLayer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) The paint method in JLayer has been adapted to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) RepaintManager has been adapted to propagate repaint
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requests from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the view or any of its children to the top level JLayer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dirty region transformed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) java.awt.Container and java.awt.LightweightDispatcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (both
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same source) have been adapted to redispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MouseEvents to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> target component. The lookup for the component that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provides a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cursor has also been adapted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5) To enable Container to do necessary reculculations, a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method has been introduced that will be overridden by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JLayer:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protected Point getConvertedPoint(Point point).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (If someone can suggest a better name for this method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to hear)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6) A package private method in SwingUtilities has been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that helps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JPopupMenu and ToolTipManager to find the correct popup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JPopupMenu and ToolTipManager have been changed to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in their calculations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7) Two jtreg tests have been added.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward for comments.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Piet
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