<Swing Dev> Nimbus no longer part of JRE6?

Andrew John Hughes ahughes at redhat.com
Sun Jun 20 12:36:11 UTC 2010

On 17 June 2010 23:13, Clemens Eisserer <linuxhippy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> It's still under com.sun.java.plaf.nimbus.*
> Mea culper, I was looking under javax.swing.plaf.nimbus for it, where
> its located in JDK7.

Yeah, we can't add anything to java.* or javax.* in 6.  It was moved
to javax.swing.plaf.nimbus when it went into 7, and we moved it back
for the backport to OpenJDK6.

>> It's also available in the same package in IcedTea6 1.8 which should
>> be available through your distro's OpenJDK packages.  I don't know why
>> you'd need to use the proprietary binaries for this.
> It was on a friend's windows machine where I tried to run some nimbus
> benchmarks.

Do you know about the OpenJDK binaries provided by http://openscg.org/se/ ?

Ah ok.
> Thanks, Clemens

Andrew :-)

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