<Swing Dev> jdk6 and jdk7: wrong class cast in sun.print.IPPPrintService (in Solaris classes)

Nico R. n-roeser at gmx.net
Mon Nov 15 14:40:49 UTC 2010


In sun.print.IPPPrintService.getIPPConnection(URL), there is a bug with
class casting: see

lines 1556–1565 for JDK 6,


lines 1563–1572 for JDK 7.

The buggy code is:

    public static HttpURLConnection getIPPConnection(URL url) {
        HttpURLConnection connection;
        try {
            connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
        } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
            return null;
        if (!(connection instanceof HttpURLConnection)) {
            return null;

If the call to openConnection returns a FileURLConnection (as it does on
my system), that cannot be cast to an HttpURLConnection. The instanceof
check happens too late in the code.

What to do: either
  * catch a ClassCastException and return null from the catch block, or
  * use a variable of type URLConnection to store the result from
openConnection(), and cast it to HttpURLConnection /after/ the block
with the instanceof check.

The problem occurs, because there are URLs like "file:/dev/null" in the
list or URLs to try. They are retrieved from
sun.print.CUPSPrinter.getAllPrinters() via

I assume this happens for printers that were auto-detected (e.g. via
ZeroConf etc.) some time ago, but are not accessible at the moment), but
I am not sure about that.

Perhaps the CUPS system is improperly configured, but this should not
cause Java applications to throw ClassCastExceptions.


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