<Swing Dev> Is the following code supposed to leak?

neugens.limasoftware@gmail.com neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 22:06:45 UTC 2011

I don't see any reason why this is a problem, I believe in this case specific case is swing leaking.

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----- Reply message -----
Da: "Clemens Eisserer" <linuxhippy at gmail.com>
Data: gio, ago 25, 2011 21:20
Oggetto: <Swing Dev> Is the following code supposed to leak?
A: <swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>

Hi Pavel,

So if your SecurityManager denies app closing, then the application should
> be alive. It looks that your implementation contradicts javadoc contracts.

The app stays running for as long as the client's browser window is open -
and is terminated when the assicioated HttpSession times out.
This is when we dispose the AppContexts, which closes this one app

>  Besides, I find it a bit weird that addXZYListener() secretly registers
>> listener to some sort of internal global object. That sounds very leaky.
>> Is it documented that such listeners must always be carefully removed?
>> Or am I missing something?
> As I said normally listeners shouldn't be removed manually, until this
> listeners are added to static instances (or delegates). The
> JTextComponent#getActions method invoked on non-static object, but it uses
> inside static editor kit. So listener removing depends on implementation and
> programmers should take such nuances into account.

I think what Roman ment is wether this is documented somewhere - I couldn't
find out why the code leaked until I had a look at Swing's source.
I find the current API quite unintuitive - I register a listener to a
JTextArea's editor, which sends me events just for this one JTextArea, and
jet its added to some global state. From what I have seen the editors are
mostly a bunch of state-less code, except for the Actions defined.

Any compatibility-issues in mind re-working that area, making the actions
part of the JComponent's state?

Thanks, Clemens
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