<Swing Dev> Problems with "type swallowing" in sub-interfaces of ListModel caused by adding Generics in Java 7

steve mcjones steve.mcjones at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 13 22:35:02 UTC 2011


Joe Darcy told me to send a mail to this list about it, so here it is:

There was an earlier article about efforts to update the JDK codebase to use
new features of the language. Ok, Generics aren't _that_ new but some new
classes/interfaces in Swing finally got generified in Java 7.

But is there a reason why javax.swing.ListModel was generified, but not its
sub-interfaces like ComboBoxModel?

This "type swallowing" actually caused non-fixable compiler errors in Scala,
where the scala-swing package can't be built anymore against the Java 7 code

The relevant bug ticket in Scala's trac is


Maybe Oracle has already some bug about it? (Didn't bother to look since
Oracle started to make more and more bug reports not visible anymore.)
Are there any ongoing efforts to add Generics to the remaining classes of
Swing? Swing seems to be one of the last places where Generics are still
missing in a few places ...

Thanks and bye!


PS: I first tried to send this mail to the list without being subscribed,
but it seems no one looks at the queue of incoming mails from unsubscribed
senders ...
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