<Swing Dev> Ways to cancel SwingWorker running task

ximalaya ims3g at 126.com
Tue Jul 12 23:15:14 UTC 2011

Hi Roman,
Thanks for your quick reply!
Our problem is,our task is noninterruptible, :(. And we hope the cancellation response time can be controllable.

Imagine we have a task,
     doSomeTimeConsumingOperation()... //noninterruptible
Checkinginterruption status afterdoSomeTimeConsumingOperation()will causecancellation response time uncontrollable.

Thanks and Best Regards,

At 2011-07-13 06:43:42,"Roman Kennke" <roman at kennke.org> wrote:

>> Can I use Thread.stop()  to cancel a SwingWorker running task forcely?
>> Though the stop method is documented as deprecated in JDK doc. My
>> thought is, first store the thread in doInBackground, then force stop
>> the thread by invoking thread.stop() later. 
>> The purpose is to guarantee to always stop the task within specified
>> seconds(for example 20s). For some tasks, we can not achieve this goal
>> using approaches, such as checking cancel flag or
>> SwingWorker.cancel(true).
>Calling cancel() will basically result in the worker thread to be
>interrupted. If your task does not respond to thread interruption, it
>will continue running. There's a very good article about thread
>Make sure your task handles interruption in a timely manner, i.e. don't
>just catch and ignore InterruptedException and if doing things in a
>loop, check the interrupted flag of the thread regularily, and it should
>cancel cleanly and fast. An exception is when the task is doing non
>interruptible stuff like network connection, in which case you need to
>either use the interruptible equivalent (i.e. NIO interruptible
>channels) or implement your own solution to cancelling (e.g. call
>shutdown() on a network socket).
>Hope that helps,
>Regards, Roman
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