<Swing Dev> Ways to cancel SwingWorker running task

neugens.limasoftware@gmail.com neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 06:10:48 UTC 2011

I fear you may have an architectural problem here.

You probably just need to wrap the library you are using into a more high level one that can deal with interruption.

Thread.stop is a bad idea in general, beside, it will not help if the library itself for some reason tries to be "uninterruptible".

Please, refer to this very good page for more information:


The article that Roman posted is also one of my favourite on the subject.

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----- Reply message -----
Da: "ximalaya" <ims3g at 126.com>
Data: mer, lug 13, 2011 01:49
Oggetto: <Swing Dev> Ways to cancel SwingWorker running task
A: "Paulo Levi" <i30817 at gmail.com>
Cc: <swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>

Hi Paulo,
Thanks! Agree with you.
While sometimes we need to use 3rd party libraries which are out of our control...

At 2011-07-13 07:36:22,"Paulo Levi" <i30817 at gmail.com> wrote:

Every task can be interruptible... if you check regularly. Even inputstreams can be interruptible if you have a wrapper bufferinputstream that checks for the interrupt status.

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