<Swing Dev> DnD fails with JTextArea and JTextField

Sean Chou zhouyx at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jun 2 09:31:55 UTC 2011


I reported, but the system doesn't reply me a bug number. It says "will give
me email",
but I haven't got one yet. Is this the right process, or I might make a
problem when

2011/5/27 Pavel Porvatov <pavel.porvatov at oracle.com>

>  Hi Sean,
> Hi all,
>      I have a testcase related to DnD failure with JTextArea and
> JTextField on linux. The
> testcase is as follows:
>  /*
>  * DnDTest.java
>  */
> import java.awt.Color;
> import java.awt.Component;
> import java.awt.Dimension;
> import java.awt.FlowLayout;
> import java.awt.Frame;
> import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
> import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
>  import javax.swing.JTextArea;
> import javax.swing.JTextField;
>  public class DnDTest extends Frame {
>  Component c;
>  public DnDTest() {
>  super("Single Frame --- AWT Frame");
>  super.setBackground(Color.gray);
>   // set layout here.
>  setLayout(new FlowLayout());
>   c = new JTextArea("JTextArea component");
>  c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 100));
>  add(c);
>   c = new JTextField("JTextField component(No IM)");
>  c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 20));
>  add(c);
>   addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
>  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {
>  System.exit(0);
>  }
>  });
>  setSize(850, 360);
>  setVisible(true);
>  }
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>  new DnDTest();
>  }
> }
>  Reproduce steps:
> 1. Run the testcase with b143
> 2. Open a new file with gedit and input some words like "abcde"
> 3. Drag "abcde" into JTextField and drop it there.
> 4. Once more, drag "abcde" into JTextField and then move out of the Frame
> (keep draging) and drag into JTextField again and drop it.
>  Expectation:
> The second DnD inputs another "abcde" into JTextField.
>  Result:
> The second DnD inputs nothing into JTextField.
> Yes, looks like a bug. The test case works on Windows as expected.
>  Investigation:
> The JTextArea as well has this problem, and in step 4, if we drag "abcde"
> over JTextField and then drop into JTextArea, nothing
> is input into JTextArea either. However, if "abcde" is drag into JTextField
> or JTextArea directly or when JTextArea/Field are
> empty as in step 2, it works.
>  Are there any comments? And can anyone file a bug for it please ?
> Anybody can file a bug, http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/
> Regards, Pavel

Best Regards,
Sean Chou
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