<Swing Dev> Painting a JComponent without clipping children

Alexander Potochkin Alexander.Potochkin at oracle.com
Fri Jun 3 14:13:09 UTC 2011

Hello Herve

I don't really get it why you need to avoid setting the clip,
but anyway the following may be interesting to you


Piet is transforming Swing components using JXLayer component

> (reposted from awt-dev list, I picked up the wrong list before)
> Hello,
> I'm new to this mailing list and I'm not *really* asking how to do it 
> because I know how it's possible to do it by using a hack (mainly 
> getting and setting the BUFFER and TILE parts of the "flags" field for 
> the JComponent by reflection, and "rewriting" the paintChildren method 
> without the clipping part). I'm using it in the 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/j661/  project to be able to use 
> custom Swing containers which only offset the position or transform 
> their children graphic context, without clipping them (allowing to use 
> negative positions for the children widgets, for example).
> I'm asking if there is a way to do this without playing with the 
> private "flags" field, because I need to be able to do the same thing 
> in a restricted JNLP environment. I know a "regular"' way to do this, 
> but it would be a little cumbersome (offsetting the positions of all 
> children widgets in the parent container, to be sure that the 
> positions of the children are never negative, for example). But it's 
> not very good for performance when something change in the parent 
> container....
> There are many projects which either play with this private field, or 
> use transforms, but in this later case they still apply a clipping. Is 
> it possible to play with the Graphics2D clippings for example before 
> using the JComponent paintChildren method - or would this approach 
> work ?  Or would the only way to do it without compromising Security 
> be to have a way to get / set the TILE and BUFFER value of the "flags" 
> field without reflection ?
> Thanks by advance if you have ideas about this, and sorry if this 
> prose is not crystal clear ;)
> Regards,
> Herve

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