<Swing Dev> How to resolve image tearing
Alexander Potochkin
Alexander.Potochkin at oracle.com
Fri May 27 12:37:51 UTC 2011
Hello Ximalaya
> Hi Artem,
> Nice to get your quick reply.
> It's really a surprise "JComponent.repaint() is no longer thread safe".
> Regarding question 1, I ever looked into JDK source code, it seems
> JComponent.paint only takes care of lw sub-components.
We didn't change JComponent.repaint() to make it "no longer thread safe"
and I don't see why someone may think about it
Actually the whole blog
doesn't seem to be very informative
In the provided changeset from Netbeans
they call their internal method on EDT (not JComponent.repaint())
ViewUtils.repaint(textComponent, repaintBounds);
and I don't know what exactly it does
> Thanks,
> Xmly
> At 2011-05-27 02:41:17£¬"Artem Ananiev" <artem.ananiev at oracle.com>
> wrote: > >On 5/26/2011 10:16 PM, ximalaya wrote: >> Hi Anthony, >>
> Thanks for your replies in last month. I still still have some
> questions >> and need your help. >> >> 1. Method paint of Canvas(hw
> component) is not called when its container >> JPanel repaints >> I
> have a JFrame. Inside the JFrame, there is a JPanel. And inside the >>
> JPanel there is a Canvas. I found Canvas.paint was never called when I
> >> call JPanel.repaint(). Is it normal? Is it just another case we
> simply >> can't sync up with repainting of lw and hw components? >> >>
> 2. Thread safe of Componet.repaint//JComponent.repaint()/ >> I ever
> read some articles about JComponet.repaint. It was said that it >> was
> thread safe. But I learn from an article that JComponet.repaint is >>
> no longer thread safe since JDK 6 update 22 - >> "/do not call
> JComponent.repaint() outside the Swing Event Dispatch >> Thread" , >>
> / You can find the article here,
> http://stevensrmiller.com/wordpress/?p=567 > >It's the first time I've
> heard about it. Looks like a terrible Swing >bug, doesn't it?
> Unfortunately, there is no information about why >exactly repaint() is
> no longer thread-safe, so I'm very skeptic about >this post. Let other
> Swing team members comment. > >Thanks, > >Artem > >> Does it apply to
> Componet.repaint also? >> >> Thanks and Best Regards, >> Xmly >> On
> 4/18/2011 8:51 PM, ximalaya wrote: >> > Sorry, I don't quite
> understand why we simply can't sync up with >> > repainting of lw and
> hw components. Could you please give me more >> > information? >> >>
> We can't determine when a third-party hw component repaints itself. >>
> Therefore we can't simply paint non-opaque lw components onto the >>
> surface of the hw component. >> >> The only way to implement mixing
> for non-opaque lw components, as we see >> it currently, is to turn
> them into hw components and recalculate their >> shapes each time the
> lw components paints anything onto itself. >> Alternatively, we could
> leave lw component being lw, and instead >> calculate the shape of a
> "ho! le" to cut off of underneath components. >> Either way, the
> performance of such solutions leaves much to be desired >> because lw
> components may repaint themselves very frequently. >> >> Note that
> currently mixing is implemented by cutting off hw components >> based
> on shapes of lw components (i.e. the second option above). And >>
> since we support opaque lw components only, their shape is always >>
> rectangular, which doesn't hurt the performance of the hw/lw mixing
> feature. >> >> In your case, you update the content of your own hw
> canvas yourself. >> Hence, as a final step you can simply paint your
> text for each frame of >> your graphics right onto the canvas, and
> (baring the vertical sync >> issues) this should provide reliable
> results. >> >> >> > For the difference between openJDK 1.6.0_18 and
> latest openJDK, please >> > pay attention that, openJDK was used in
> our test. I am not sure the code >> > base of openJDK 1.6.0_18 is same
> as JDK 1.6.0 u18, per! haps you can have >> > a try with openJDK? >>
> >> I'm still unable to identify any change that could break the hw/lw
> >> mixing in 6u18. Could you please provide more details of what exact
> >> issue you're experiencing? A small test application that
> demonstrates >> the issue would be very helpful. Thanks. >> >> >>
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