<Swing Dev> Focus on image icons are not visible in javaws cache with high contrast mode

Sean Chou zhouyx at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Oct 27 07:30:34 UTC 2011

   It seems the black color for focus is set intentionally. If we set it to
"ControlTextColor ",
the focus color may become red in above testcase, that's not what we want.
   And I changed the color for all items listed with "3D object", the focus
remains black;
maybe windows just uses "black" for focus color in normal mode, and another
color for
high contrast mode.

   However, the original patch posted is not right in this scenario. I'll
modify it. How about
just uses white for high contrast mode ? As it simply uses black for normal

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:12 PM, Pavel Porvatov
<pavel.porvatov at oracle.com>wrote:

>   Hi Sean,
> Hi Pavel,
>      From your image, I agree the focus color is not always the same
> with ControlTextColor,
> but I cannot recreate it. When I changed  color of "3D objects" to red, I
> got another image.
> Please have a look.
> It seems you changed Color1, but not Color (which a little bit lower then
> Color1)....
>     I think your suggestion is reasonable, we'd better use the focus color
> from windows, but
> it maybe a problem to keep 100% the same, I still not found if there is a
> document for the
> focus color.
> Yes, the MS documentation about focus color is the best way to fix the bug.
> Can anybody point to such document?
> Regards, Pavel
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Pavel Porvatov <pavel.porvatov at oracle.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Neil,
>>  On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 17:04 +0400, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>> Hi Neil,
>>>>> On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 14:14 +0800, Sean Chou wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Pavel,
>>>>>>     I reported a bug there yesterday,
>>>>>>     http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7089914
>>>>>>     So far, I'm not sure if Windows use ControlTextColor, I'll check
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>  For ease of review, I've uploaded Sean's change as a webrev [1].
>>>>> With the change, I see the following focus-related color settings in
>>>>> the
>>>>> WindowsLookAndFeel:
>>>>> Button.focus:           ControlTextColor
>>>>> Checkbox.focus:         ControlTextColor
>>>>> RadioButton.focus:      ControlTextColor
>>>>> Slider.focus:           ControlDarkShadowColor
>>>>> TabbedPane.focus:       ControlTextColor
>>>>> ToggleButton.focus:     ControlTextColor
>>>>> So the change of setting for Button, Checkbox and RadioButton conforms
>>>>> to what is already used for TabbedPane and ToggleButton.
>>>> But doesn't conform to Slider.focus...
>>> Are you recommending that Slider.focus should be changed to
>>> ControlTextColor too ?
>>  No, I meant that we cannot fix some bugs by copy-paste method.
>>>    From it's name, it's not entirely obvious to me that
>>>>>> 'ControlTextColor'
>>>>> is really the ideal setting to use here, but it's also clear that it's
>>>>> a
>>>>> far better setting to use than the current hard-coded 'black'.
>>>> Yes, of course. The last question is which color is correct. We can't
>>>> change one incorrect color to another incorrect color...
>>> I guess I hope that some knowledgeable person might be able to suggest /
>>> corroborate / refute the choice of setting here.
>>> It seems worse to consider sticking with a hard-coded, un-configurable
>>> value that has been demonstrated to cause problems, than to use a
>>> setting whose value can at least be configured, in practice fixes the
>>> problem's symptoms, and is already used in most other similar contexts
>>>  within the same look&  feel.
>>> Suggestions for how to improve things further are always welcome.
>> Your points sounds good. But as I said: we can't change one incorrect
>> color to another incorrect color (doesn't matter configurable it or not). I
>> attached  the screenshot that shows that ControlTextColor is not always
>> equal to color of selection frame (to reproduce this image press the
>> Advanced button and change color of "3D objects" to red).
>> Regards, Pavel
>  --
> Best Regards,
> Sean Chou

Best Regards,
Sean Chou
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