<Swing Dev> Force JPopup to be always heavyweight

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 14:59:15 UTC 2012

2012/4/16 Pavel Porvatov <pavel.porvatov at oracle.com>:

Hello Pavel,

>> About the test, I'm not sure if you need something more specific, but
>> I was thinking to simply test if when isLightWeightPopupEnabled is set
>> we create an heavy or lightweight popup, any other ideas?
> That's a good way I think

Here is the webrev:


Note that MEDIUM_WEIGHT is still used in some cases (PopupFactory.getPopup):

        if (owner == null || invokerInHeavyWeightPopup(owner)) {
            popupType = HEAVY_WEIGHT_POPUP;
        else if (popupType == LIGHT_WEIGHT_POPUP &&
                 !(contents instanceof JToolTip) &&
                 !(contents instanceof JPopupMenu)) {
            popupType = MEDIUM_WEIGHT_POPUP;

I'm not sure if we want to replace this as well with full HW (I would
do it, in fact).

Also I was thinking to have a very small optimization, if we are using
an HW popups, there's no need to do this check:

        // Check if the parent component is an option pane.  If so we need to
        // force a heavy weight popup in order to have event dispatching work
        // correctly.
        Component c = owner;
        while (c != null) {
            if (c instanceof JComponent) {
                if (((JComponent)c).getClientProperty(
                            PopupFactory_FORCE_HEAVYWEIGHT_POPUP) ==
Boolean.TRUE) {
                    popupType = HEAVY_WEIGHT_POPUP;
            } else if (c instanceof Window) {
                Window w = (Window) c;
                if (!w.isOpaque() || w.getOpacity() < 1 ||
w.getShape() != null) {
                    popupType = HEAVY_WEIGHT_POPUP;
            c = c.getParent();

We can save a loop and a couple of instanceof checks (although I
remember we proved with Jim and Phil that instanceof don't really
introduce any speed penalization).

What do you think?

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