<Swing Dev> [7u8] Review request for 7193219: JComboBox serialization fails in JDK 1.7

Anton Litvinov anton.litvinov at oracle.com
Fri Aug 31 11:35:36 UTC 2012

Hello Pavel,

Thank you for the response with remarks. Yes, one additional "catch 
(RuntimeException re)" block was added in my previous webrev. I decided 
to add such a block, because of two following reasons:

1. To make an output stack trace shorter, but still containing a stack 
trace of the expected NullPointerException, in case if such exception is 
caught. Otherwise the final stack trace will contain 3 exceptions, where 
only the third one is informational. This change simplifies manual 
testing by diminishing a number of lines necessary for reading.
2. To eliminate extra folding of RuntimeException into a new 
RuntimeException, which did not happen at all.

A similar approach was applied to "try/catch" block in "serializeGUI" 
method for making the whole test consistent in the current webrev.

Thank you,

On 31.08.2012 14:48, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> I see you added
>  57         } catch (RuntimeException re) {
>  58             throw re;
> in serializeGUI method. Is it necessary? I think lines 72 and 73 can 
> be removed as well...  I didn't noticed that code in the previous 
> webrev, unfortunately.
> Regards, Pavel
>> Hello Pavel,
>> Could you review a new webrev with code changes reflecting your last 
>> remark concerning a substitution of File streams for Byte streams in 
>> the test class. The test was checked using "jtreg". It fails on JDK 7 
>> without this fix, and passes on JDK 7 with fix. URL of the new webrev 
>> is the following.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alitvinov/7193219/webrev.03
>> Thank you,
>> Anton
>> On 29.08.2012 20:54, Anton Litvinov wrote:
>>> Hello Pavel,
>>> Yes, the test fails on JDK 7 without fix and does not fail on JDK 7 
>>> with fix. Yes, I will definitely prefer to substitute the code 
>>> writing data to files for a code writing data to byte streams.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Anton
>>> On 29.08.2012 19:04, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>> Hi Anton,
>>>> Does the test fail without the fix?
>>>> All code look good except one thing: could you please replace 
>>>> FileStreams by Byte streams? Regression tests should avoid to 
>>>> change file system, and if there is such need tests should restore 
>>>> file system in initial state
>>>>> Hello Pavel,
>>>>> Thank you very much for a positive review of the fix and detailed 
>>>>> remarks for the test. Could you review a corrected version of the 
>>>>> test in a new webrev. I would like to clarify that a previous 
>>>>> version of the test contained some irrelevant components, because 
>>>>> I was not sure if I could significantly modify the original test 
>>>>> case provided with the bug itself. URL of a webrev with the test 
>>>>> class corrected according to your remarks is provided below.
>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alitvinov/7193219/webrev.02
>>>>> The modified test was checked using "jtreg" tool on JDK with and 
>>>>> without this fix, and the test behaved properly. The following 
>>>>> changes were made:
>>>>> 1. Setting visibility of frames was removed, because it  does not 
>>>>> influence reproducibility of the test.
>>>>> 2. All components except JPanel and JComboBox were eliminated from 
>>>>> the test.
>>>>> 3. Frames' titles were corrected.
>>>>> 4. Method "test" was renamed and moved into EDT execution block.
>>>>> 5. Method "createAndShowGUI" was renamed.
>>>>> 6. Calls to JFrame's "dispose" method were added.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Anton
>>>>> On 28.08.2012 21:45, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Anton,
>>>>>> The fix looks good but the test should be updated:
>>>>>> 1. Is the following line needed for the test:
>>>>>> 63         frame.setVisible(true);
>>>>>> ?
>>>>>> If yes then you should use SunToolkit.realSync to wait until 
>>>>>> frame become visible.
>>>>>> The same comment for the line
>>>>>> 85         frame.setVisible(true);
>>>>>> 2. Are label and layout and layout needed for the test purpose? 
>>>>>> If no, can you remove unused components?
>>>>>> 3. The following code looks strange (two titles?)
>>>>>>  45         JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorldSwing");
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>  47         frame.setTitle("why why why");
>>>>>> 4. The test method should be on the EDT
>>>>>> 5. There is no need to use the mainPanel field. Logically it 
>>>>>> should be local variable
>>>>>> BTW: can you start with the fix for jdk8 and only then backport 
>>>>>> it to jdk7?
>>>>>> Regards, Pavel
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Please review the following fix for a bug.
>>>>>>> Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7193219
>>>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alitvinov/7193219/webrev.01
>>>>>>> For details on this bug please look at "Evaluation" field on a 
>>>>>>> web page of this bug. The provided webrev contains both a fix 
>>>>>>> and a corresponding unit-test. Before publishing this webrev all 
>>>>>>> unit-tests from the "java.awt" and
>>>>>>> "javax.swing" related to serialization were run and no negative 
>>>>>>> changes were observed comparing the results of tests' runs on 
>>>>>>> JDK with and without patch represented by this webrev.
>>>>>>> This is the second version of the fix. The first version was 
>>>>>>> submitted to the AWT development group through a review request 
>>>>>>> with the same subject and after discussion with engineers and 
>>>>>>> additional investigation of the problem it was decided to apply 
>>>>>>> the fix in Swing part of JDK.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Anton

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