<Swing Dev> JSplitPane / heavyweight vs. lightweight components

Johannes.Lichtenberger Johannes.Lichtenberger at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Jan 17 11:42:18 UTC 2012

On 01/17/2012 10:30 AM, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
> Hi Johannes,
> Could you please provide a small test that can be run and which shows
> the problem?

Hi Pavel,

I'm currently not able to provide an SCCE as it invokes and depends on
many classes :( but I hope I can share the code on github very soon.

But maybe a JScrollPane or JPanel instance inside a JSplitPane with an
embedded applet should suffice. The other view is either the same (with
an embedded Applet or a "simple" JPanel.

kind regards,

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