<Swing Dev> [8] Review Request: Use GTK LAF as the System LAF under Xfce

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Fri Jun 29 10:24:57 UTC 2012

Hi Omair,

To me the code changes look fine. The only concern is that you check the 
DESKTOP_SESSION for "xfce" and "xfce4" values only. Can this environment 
variable ever be equal to, say, "xfce3", or "xfce5", and what should be 
done about it in that case? Perhaps we should only check that the string 
starts with "xfce" and not care about the remaining characters at all?

BTW, there's also some weird logic around the sun.desktop property in 
SynthLookAndFeel.java that is about text antialiasing support. Have you 
verified if any changes are required to that code as well?

best regards,

On 6/29/2012 6:03 AM, Omair Majid wrote:
> Hi,
> The Xfce Desktop Environment is based on the GTK+ toolkit [1]. This is
> the same toolkit that GNOME 2 programs use. Under GNOME (2 and 3), we
> use the GTK look and feel as the system look and feel. Since Xfce uses
> the same toolkit, I think it makes sense to have the GTK Laf on it as
> the system look and feel (rather than metal), too. The following webrev
> implements that.
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~omajid/webrevs/gtk-laf-on-xfce/00/
> Does anyone have any thoughts, comments or concerns about adding this?
> Thanks,
> Omair
> [1] http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/building#build_requirements

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