<Swing Dev> Review request for 7154030: java.awt.Component.hide() does not repaint parent container

Pavel Porvatov pavel.porvatov at oracle.com
Tue Mar 27 15:58:49 UTC 2012

Hi Jonathan,
> Hello Pavel,
> Here's the updated patch and automatic test for bug 7154030, could you 
> please take another look?
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~luchsh/7154030_2/
I have several comments:

1. What about the following comment from Artem:
"Even if we accept the change in JComponent.hide(), we should then 
override show() as well (lightweight component may be non-opaque, so we 
should repaint from its parent)"

2. Could you please clarify your changes in setVisible method?
As I see in comments
             // Some (all should) LayoutManagers do not consider components
             // that are not visible. As such we need to revalidate when the
             // visible bit changes.
but now this code is invoked only for setVisible(true)

3. Could you please follow our code conventions?  (see 

4. Your test is not automatic one. I think you could use 
java.awt.Robot#createScreenCapture and analyze result of hide method.

Regards, Pavel
> Thanks and best regards
> - Jonathan Lu
> On 03/26/2012 09:38 PM, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> Hi Pavel,
>>> Thanks for your explanation.
>>> But this bug affects almost all Swing components, hide()'s presence 
>>> also helps to maintain backward compatibility, so is it possible to 
>>> put a fix in JComponent to help all the potential affected 
>>> applications to work correctly? 
>> Of course that's possible. Do you have final version of the fix? 
>> Please don't forget write an automatic test.
>>> if not, is it there any sunset plan for these deprecated APIs?
>> I don't now such plans.
>> Regards, Pavel
>> P.S. I removed <AWT Dev>, it seems only Swing will be affected in 
>> this fix
>>> Thanks and best regards!
>>> - Jonathan
>>> 2012/3/20 Pavel Porvatov <pavel.porvatov at oracle.com 
>>> <mailto:pavel.porvatov at oracle.com>>
>>>     Hi Jonathan,
>>>>     Hi Artem,
>>>>     2012/3/20 Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at oracle.com
>>>>     <mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.com>>
>>>>         Hi, Jonathan,
>>>>         I'm adding swing-dev to CC as we now consider changing
>>>>         Swing code.
>>>>         What you propose sounds technically reasonable, but I don't
>>>>         think it is worth doing anyway as show() and hide() have
>>>>         been deprecated for years now.
>>>>     Although show() and hide() have been deprecated for years, in
>>>>     my opinion supporting these APIs will still benefit many
>>>>     applications and convince users that Java still has got strong
>>>>     backward compatibility :D. Any ideas from Swing group?
>>>     I don't see why the words "backward compatibility" are here.
>>>     There is a bug in deprecated methods "show" and "hide" (I've
>>>     checked that jdk5 has the same problem), and that's one
>>>     additional reason to use setVisible(). I agree with Artem that
>>>     fixing deprecated API is not a high priority task (but we should
>>>     keep backward compatibility, of course). I also think, that "to
>>>     leave all as is" is a good decision for the described problem
>>>     Regards, Pavel
>>>>         Even if we accept the change in JComponent.hide(), we
>>>>         should then override show() as well (lightweight component
>>>>         may be non-opaque, so we should repaint from its parent),
>>>>         so there will be code duplication. This is one more reason
>>>>         to leave all as is.
>>>>     Yes, I noticed that code duplication too and am trying to make
>>>>     a more compact patch for this problem.
>>>>         This is my personal opinion, I'm not a Swing expert,
>>>>         though. Let anyone from the Swing group comment.
>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>         Artem
>>>>         On 3/20/2012 12:28 PM, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>>>             Hi Artem,
>>>>             Thanks for your time.
>>>>             2012/3/19 Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at oracle.com
>>>>             <mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.com>
>>>>             <mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.com
>>>>             <mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.com>>>
>>>>                Hi, Jonathan,
>>>>                given the code in java.awt.Component, your statement
>>>>             about
>>>>                difference between hide() and setVisible(false)
>>>>             looks pretty strange
>>>>                to me. Indeed, here is the implementation:
>>>>                    public void show(boolean b) {
>>>>                        if (b) {
>>>>                            show();
>>>>                        } else {
>>>>                            hide();
>>>>                        }
>>>>                    }
>>>>                and
>>>>                    public void setVisible(boolean b) {
>>>>                        show(b);
>>>>                    }
>>>>                In JComponent the latter method is overridden and
>>>>             adds exactly what
>>>>                you propose: parent.repaint(). This addition makes
>>>>             sense for
>>>>                lightweight components (e.g. Swing), but heavyweight
>>>>             AWT components
>>>>                shouldn't require this: repaint request is sent from
>>>>             the native system.
>>>>             Yes, lightweight and  heavyweight components differ in
>>>>             painting. The
>>>>             original test case only works for the conditions of
>>>>             lightweight
>>>>             components, with another test case for heavyweight
>>>>             components, I found
>>>>             that the problem could not be reproduced on AWT any
>>>>             more. I think the
>>>>             change is only applicable for Swing components, so how
>>>>             about repaint in
>>>>             JComponent.hide() like this?
>>>>             diff -r cdbb33303ea3
>>>>             src/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java
>>>>             --- a/src/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java  
>>>>              Wed Mar 14
>>>>             13:50:37 2012 -0700 <tel:2012%20-0700> <tel:2012%20-0700>
>>>>             +++ b/src/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java  
>>>>              Tue Mar 20
>>>>             16:24:09 2012 +0800
>>>>             @@ -5237,6 +5237,16 @@
>>>>                      }
>>>>                  }
>>>>             +    public void hide() {
>>>>             +        super.hide();
>>>>             +        Container parent = getParent();
>>>>             +        if (parent != null) {
>>>>             +            Rectangle r = getBounds();
>>>>             +            parent.repaint(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
>>>>             +            parent.invalidate();
>>>>             +        }
>>>>             +    }
>>>>             +
>>>>                  /**
>>>>                   * Returns whether or not the region of the
>>>>             specified component is
>>>>                   * obscured by a sibling.
>>>>                Thanks,
>>>>                Artem
>>>>                On 3/15/2012 12:24 PM, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>>>                    Hi awt-dev,
>>>>                    java.awt.Component.hide() was declared as
>>>>             deprecation and
>>>>                    replaced by
>>>>                    setVisible(boolean), but in my tests, it does
>>>>             not works in the
>>>>                    same way
>>>>                    as setVisible(false). The reason of this failure
>>>>             is that
>>>>                    java.awt.Component.hide() does not repaint the
>>>>             special area it
>>>>                    used to
>>>>                    taken of parent container. Although this is
>>>>             deprecated method,
>>>>                    it may
>>>>                    still valuable for customers due to
>>>>             compatibility reason. Bug
>>>>                    7154030
>>>>                    created for this issue.
>>>>                    Here's a simple test case to demonstrate this
>>>>             problem.
>>>>                    /*
>>>>                      * Copyright (c) 2012 Oracle and/or its
>>>>             affiliates. All rights
>>>>                    reserved.
>>>>             THIS FILE HEADER.
>>>>                      *
>>>>                      * This code is free software; you can
>>>>             redistribute it and/or
>>>>                    modify it
>>>>                      * under the terms of the GNU General Public
>>>>             License version 2
>>>>                    only, as
>>>>                      * published by the Free Software Foundation.
>>>>                      *
>>>>                      * This code is distributed in the hope that it
>>>>             will be useful, but
>>>>                    WITHOUT
>>>>                      * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
>>>>             warranty of
>>>>                    MERCHANTABILITY or
>>>>                      * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
>>>>             GNU General
>>>>                    Public License
>>>>                      * version 2 for more details (a copy is
>>>>             included in the
>>>>                    LICENSE file that
>>>>                      * accompanied this code).
>>>>                      *
>>>>                      * You should have received a copy of the GNU
>>>>             General Public
>>>>                    License
>>>>                    version
>>>>                      * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the
>>>>             Free Software
>>>>                    Foundation,
>>>>                      * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
>>>>             MA 02110-1301 USA.
>>>>                      *
>>>>                      * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway,
>>>>             Redwood Shores,
>>>>                    CA 94065 USA
>>>>                      * or visit www.oracle.com
>>>>             <http://www.oracle.com> <http://www.oracle.com> if you need
>>>>                    additional information or have any
>>>>                      * questions.
>>>>                      */
>>>>                    /*
>>>>                      * Portions Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation
>>>>                      */
>>>>                    import javax.swing.*;
>>>>                    /* @test 1.1 2012/03/15
>>>>                        @bug 7154030
>>>>                        @run main/manual ComponentHideShowTest.html */
>>>>                    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
>>>>                    public class ComponetHideShowTest extends JFrame {
>>>>                         JInternalFrame internalFrame;
>>>>                         JButton btn;
>>>>                         JDesktopPane desktop;
>>>>                         ComponetHideShowTest(String name) {
>>>>                             super(name);
>>>>                             desktop = new JDesktopPane();
>>>>                             setContentPane(desktop);
>>>>                             setSize(600, 400);
>>>>                             setVisible(true);
>>>>                             internalFrame = new
>>>>             JInternalFrame("Test Internal Frame");
>>>>                             internalFrame.setSize(100, 100);
>>>>                             internalFrame.setLocation(10, 10);
>>>>                             internalFrame.setVisible(true)__;
>>>>                             desktop.add(internalFrame);
>>>>                             btn = new JButton("OK");
>>>>                             btn.setSize(100, 50);
>>>>                             btn.setLocation( 300, 300);
>>>>                             btn.setVisible(true);
>>>>                             desktop.add(btn);
>>>>             setDefaultCloseOperation(__JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
>>>>                         }
>>>>                         @SuppressWarnings("__deprecation")
>>>>                         public void runTest() throws Exception {
>>>>                             Object[] options = { "Yes, I saw it",
>>>>             "No, I did not
>>>>                    see it!" };
>>>>                             int ret =
>>>>             JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(__this,
>>>>                    "Do you see the internal window?",
>>>>             "InternalFrmaeHideTest",
>>>>                                     JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
>>>>                    JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
>>>>                                     options, options[1]);
>>>>                             if (ret == 1 || ret ==
>>>>             JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) {
>>>>                                 throw new Exception("Failed to
>>>>             display internal
>>>>                    window");
>>>>                             }
>>>>                             internalFrame.hide();
>>>>                             btn.hide();
>>>>                             ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(__this,
>>>>                    "Do you see the internal window?",
>>>>             "InternalFrmaeHideTest",
>>>>                                     JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
>>>>                    JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
>>>>                                     options, options[1]);
>>>>                             if (ret == 0 || ret ==
>>>>             JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) {
>>>>                                 throw new Exception("Failed to hide
>>>>             internal window");
>>>>                             }
>>>>                             internalFrame.show();
>>>>                             btn.show();
>>>>                             ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(__this,
>>>>                    "Do you see the internal window?",
>>>>             "InternalFrmaeHideTest",
>>>>                                     JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
>>>>                    JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
>>>>                                     options, options[1]);
>>>>                             if (ret == 1 || ret ==
>>>>             JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) {
>>>>                                 throw new Exception("Failed to hide
>>>>             internal window");
>>>>                             }
>>>>                         }
>>>>                         public static void main(String[] args)
>>>>             throws Exception {
>>>>                             ComponetHideShowTest test = null;
>>>>                             test = new
>>>>             ComponetHideShowTest("__InternalFrameHideTest");
>>>>                             test.runTest();
>>>>                         }
>>>>                    }
>>>>                    And here's the patch
>>>>             http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~__littlee/7154030/
>>>>             <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7E__littlee/7154030/>
>>>>             <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Elittlee/7154030/>
>>>>                    Can anybody please help to take a look?
>>>>                    Cheers!
>>>>                    - Jonathan
>>>>             Best regards!
>>>>             - Jonathan
>>>>     Thanks a lot !
>>>>     - Jonathan

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