<Swing Dev> Patch for NPE at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI$Actions.page:4470

Jaroslav Tulach jaroslav.tulach at oracle.com
Thu Nov 15 15:58:35 UTC 2012

Dear Swing maintainers,
my name is Jaroslav Tulach and I am maintaining NetBeans explorer - a 
component that is using JTree heavily.

>From time to time I receive a user report with a NPE from Swing where little 
or even no NetBeans code involved. Just today I got
We have about 35 other ones (which is not that much given the fact we have 
million of users), but still...

According to
the report comes from jdk7u9-b05. The source code is here
and thus it looks like the call on line 4468 to

ui.getPathBounds(tree, newPath);

can return null (under some rare and unknown circumstances). 

I can close the bug #222081 as "worksforme", but it is clear that such error 
happens from time to time and we don't want our users to face errors. A 

4469 if (newRect == null) return;

would do the trick. One question remains: if I try to donate such patch, will 
you accept it?

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