<Swing Dev> 7189299 DefaultButtonModel instance keeps stale listeners of JButton in case of multiple SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI() calls

Frank Ding dingxmin at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Oct 29 07:48:39 UTC 2012

Hi all,
   Seems Pavel has been busy these days.  Is anybody willing to review 
v5 change?


On 10/17/2012 1:51 PM, Frank Ding wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
>   Thanks for your comment pointing out the problems posed by static 
> fields.  V4 cannot be an accepted work around unless static fields are 
> avoided.  But I think in v4 removing stale listeners is only applied 
> to those installed by FormView.
>   I have revised the approach adopted in v4 where a JButtonWrapper 
> class is declared for the purpose of accessing actionListener, 
> changeListener and itemListener defined in its base class.  In 
> addition, overriding setModel method in JButtonWrapper allows us to 
> undo registration of aforementioned listeners on the newModel passed 
> in as setModel method parameter.  In order to have FormView function 
> correctly in terms of triggering the actionPerformed method defined in 
> FormView,  setModel also explicitly add FormView.this as action 
> listener to the newModel.  Further more, setModel deregisters any 
> action listeners of class FormView because that is the stale action 
> listener registered by setModel last time.  In doing all the tricks in 
> setModel, we successfully achieved the goal of removing stale listener 
> while making FormView JButton properly function.
>   By the way, I also updated the jtreg test case bug7189299.java a 
> little bit to assert number of item listeners and change listeners 
> because in setModel, the default changeListener and itemListener 
> pertaining to the JButton are removed as well.
>   The v5 code review is @
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dingxmin/7189299/webrev.05/
>   Your review is highly appreciated.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Frank
> On 10/15/2012 5:16 PM, pavel porvatov wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
>> You are still removing all listeners, not only installed by FormView.
>> You also introduced new static field (private static JButtonWrapper 
>> currJButton = null), but there are a lot problems with static fields:
>> 1. Memory leaks: static fields hold reference to potentially huge 
>> objects unlimited time
>> 2. Conflicts between applications from different AppContext (e. g. 
>> applets)
>> etc.
>> So the best way is to avoid static fields at all.
>> Regards, Pavel
>> Hi Pavel,
>>>   I happened to have another way of working around it though 
>>> admittedly it's ugly.  Actually a good solution instead of a 
>>> workaround requires either involving large code modification or 
>>> introduction of new api.
>>>   Idea of v4 change this time is keeping track of every 
>>> JButtonWrapper instance once instantialized so that the listeners 
>>> pertaining to stale JButton instance can be de-registered upon new 
>>> JButton creation.
>>>   You can check out code review below
>>>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dingxmin/7189299/webrev.04/
>>>   Your prompt comment is warmly welcomed and expected.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Frank

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