<Swing Dev> [7] Review request for 7123767 Wrong tooltip location in Multi-Monitor configurations

Pavel Porvatov pavel.porvatov at oracle.com
Wed Sep 12 11:16:07 UTC 2012

Hi Vladislav,
> Hello Pavel, all,
> please find new webrev here: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vkarnauk/7123767/webrev.04/
Now the test passes. The last comment from me is:
could you please don't rename existing variables in the 
ToolTipManager.java (sorry, I noticed this only now...)? If you rename 
back drawingGC into gc and workingBounds into sBounds the diff will be 
much smaller. When you do that be sure that there is no lines that are 
just reformatted.

Regards, Pavel

> Please see my comments inline.
> Regards,
> - Vlad
> On 9/4/2012 8:35 PM, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>> Hi Vladislav,
>> I have several comments for the fix:
>> 1.
>>            if(preferredLocation != null) {
>>                location = toFind;
>>                if (!leftToRight) {
>>                    location.x -= size.width;
>>                }
>>            } else {
>>                location.x = screenLocation.x + mouseEvent.getX();
>>                location.y = screenLocation.y + mouseEvent.getY() + 20;
>> In case "preferredLocation != null" creation of new object
>> Point location = new Point();
>> is not used, so you could put location = new Point() in else block
> Agreed, fixed.
>> 2. adjustInsets changes values of arguments. So return the same value 
>> and assigning
>> workingBounds = adjustInsets(workingBounds, insets);
>> looks unnecessary
> Agreed. I've removed adjustInsets() completely.
>> 3. I run the test via jtreg and it failed on my environment with the 
>> attached log. Could you please investigate that?
> My initial approach for the test was incorrect, I've run on several 
> issues on Mac platform. I've re-written the test completely and run it 
> against jdk7 and jdk8 on Windows and Mac OS X.
>> Regards, Pavel
>>> Hello Pavel, all,
>>> thank you for the review, please find new webrev here:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vkarnauk/7123767/webrev.03/
>>> Please see my comments inline.
>>> Regards,
>>> - Vlad
>>> On 8/31/2012 8:50 PM, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>> Hi Vladislav,
>>>> I have several comments about the fix:
>>>> 1. getDrawingRect: now localInsets should be requested only if 
>>>> localRect.contains(toFind) is true
>>>> 2.
>>>> +                // Something's really wrong here - use the screen 
>>>> that our
>>>> +                // Component belongs to
>>>> +                if (workingBounds == null)
>>>> +                    workingBounds = 
>>>> insideComponent.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
>>>> a. You should always use {...} for if construction
>>> Fixed.
>>>> b. It seems we should invoke adjustInsets there. To reduce the code 
>>>> I think you can rename getDrawingRect into getGraphicsConfiguration 
>>>> and return GraphicsConfiguration there. And only when 
>>>> GraphicsConfiguration is found calculate adjusted bounds...
>>> Agreed. Fixed.
>>>> 3. getDrawingRect comment should have two ")" at the end
>>> Fixed.
>>>> Abou the test:
>>>> 1. You should use Toolkit.realSync after setVisible
>>> Fixed.
>>>> 2. I run the test on jdk1.8.0b51 and it passes. Looks strange...
>>> The reason why it didn't fail on non-patched JDK8 is because line 184
>>>  183         Component component = e.getChild();
>>>  184         if (component.isShowing()) {
>>>  185             if 
>>> (!config.equals(getGCByPoint(component.getLocationOnScreen()))) {
>>> returned "false" as AWT event queue was processed slower than test 
>>> thread, thus my check never actually happened. I've changed these 
>>> logic (please see new webrev), now this condition is processed 
>>> correctly. Test works on patched JDK and fails on non-patched JDK6, 
>>> 7, and 8.
>>>> Regards, Pavel
>>>>> Hi Pavel, all,
>>>>> please find new webrev here: 
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vkarnauk/7123767/webrev.02/
>>>>> Please see my comments inline.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> - Vlad
>>>>> On 8/17/2012 9:10 PM, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vladislav,
>>>>>> I have several comments about the fix:
>>>>>> 1. javax.swing.ToolTipManager#showTipWindow: I think toFind 
>>>>>> variable should be initialized in if(preferredLocation != null) { 
>>>>>> ....} else {...} block. It looks more logical and code will be 
>>>>>> more compact (adjustedPreferredLocation can be removed at all, I 
>>>>>> think)
>>>>> Agreed. I've re-worked this piece.
>>>>>> 2. Could you please explain why you are using union of all 
>>>>>> rectangles in the getDrawingRect method? In case two monitors are 
>>>>>> aligned on a diagonal totalRect will contain areas that are not 
>>>>>> covered by screen devices and popups can be placed incorrectly.
>>>>> Agreed again. I've re-designed getDrawingRect() function and 
>>>>> placed additional condition into showTipWindow() function; now 
>>>>> every situation should be handled correctly.
>>>>> Automated test was added, please see the webrev.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> - Vlad
>>>>>> Regards, Pavel
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> please review the fix for 7123767: Wrong tooltip location in 
>>>>>>> Multi-Monitor configurations
>>>>>>> jdk7 webrev: 
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vkarnauk/7123767/webrev.00/
>>>>>>> test source: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vkarnauk/7123767/test/
>>>>>>> bug description: 
>>>>>>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7123767
>>>>>>> This is also a customer escalated issue in jdk6.
>>>>>>> On multi-monitor configurations Component.getLocationOnScreen() 
>>>>>>> may return negative values. Additionally, 
>>>>>>> ToolTipManager.showTipWindow() method calculates tip window 
>>>>>>> location from Component' getLocationOnScreen() return data and 
>>>>>>> draws tip window using the same GraphicsConfiguration instance 
>>>>>>> as component's top-left corner, which again can be of negative 
>>>>>>> value. When component is stretched across multiple screen 
>>>>>>> devices, this may lead to a situation when it's tooltip is drawn 
>>>>>>> on wrong monitor.
>>>>>>> To fix this we should count all GraphicsConfiguration instances 
>>>>>>> and determine correct screen device to draw on. We should also 
>>>>>>> take into account that:
>>>>>>> 1) tip window preferred location could be set
>>>>>>> 2) preferred location could be greater than total virtual bounds 
>>>>>>> of all monitors. To make tip window visible in such case we move 
>>>>>>> it to the corresponding corner of total virtual bounds
>>>>>>> 3) exact order of monitors (left-to-right and top-to-bottom) is 
>>>>>>> unknown
>>>>>>> I run jtreg against ToolTipManager tests and all tests passed (I 
>>>>>>> run it several times with different monitor configurations). I 
>>>>>>> also tested the fix with custom test program (please see the 
>>>>>>> link provided) with 4 possible monitor configurations 
>>>>>>> (left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top) 
>>>>>>> and saw no issues.
>>>>>>> I added no new automated test(s) because this at least would 
>>>>>>> require multiple monitors to run.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> - Vlad

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