<Swing Dev> Review Request - Jcolorchooser Missing accessible name

jayashree viswanathan jviswana at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Sep 21 04:25:22 UTC 2012

Hi Alexandar ,

Thanks for replying , Jcolorchooser code seems to have been change quite 
a bit, while I am able to see pretty old Sun bug relevant [
Though This particular bug is related to spinner and sliders not having 
the accessible name , JFerret is able to show this, also AT tools like 
JAWS is not able to read the names of neither the colors nor the sliders 
name, while testing with swingset demo .

The fix is intended to just add the accessible names so that there is 
some help for the AT tools . Post this fix , I was able to see JFerret 
picking things up and AT able to read the accessible name.

Thanks and Regards,
Jayashree Viswanathan

On 20-09-2012 5:53 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you send the bug ID of the problem?
> It is not clear for me is the issue related only to the spinners
> accessible names or to all components on the JColorChooser.
> Thanks,
> Alexandr.
> On 9/20/2012 12:23 PM, jayashree viswanathan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can some one please review this request ?
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Jayashree Viswanathan
>> On 13-09-2012 2:59 PM, jayashree viswanathan wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> Jcolorchooser doesn't seems to have accessible name in sliders etc.,
>>> <JDK-8-path>\bin\java.exe -jar
>>> <JDK-8-path>\demo\jfc\SwingSet2\SwingSet2.jar
>>> 1) Run Java ferret enabling accessibility trace option
>>> 2) Go to ColorChooser tab
>>> 3) Select gradient1/any of the choices
>>> 4) for instance in swatches/HSL tabs, spinners are without any
>>> accessibility name
>>> 5) for instance Sliders in HSL and rest of the tabs that follows
>>> also are not having accessibility name
>>> webrev changes are available at
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shirishk/20120913_01/webrev.01/
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Jayashree Viswanathan

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