<Swing Dev> Powerbuilder Datawindow

Tariq Ali finestraco at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 13:39:35 UTC 2013

*Hi all*
*I was a developer in powerbuilder but I shifted recently to Java, but I
want ask a question about something in powerbuilder*
*Called Datawindow , is a component in java similar to datawindow in
powerbuilder ?*
*Datawindow is *

 *interactive display of data. The user can view and change data and send
changes to the database. Also, *

*S**upports data retrieval with retrieval arguments and data update. You
can use edit styles, display formats, and validation rules for consistent
data entry and display. The DataWindow provides many methods for
manipulating the DataWindow, including Modify for changing DataWindow
object properties. You can share a result set between several DataWindow
controls and you can synchronize data between a client and server. also, it
is a report designer and graph designer for data and more..*





* *
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