<Swing Dev> RFR: 8044862: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in macosx specific code

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Jul 10 04:28:58 UTC 2014

Looks fine to me too; thanks,


On 07/09/2014 09:13 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:
> Hello, Henry.
> The new version of the fix looks good to me.
> With best regards. Petr.
>> On Jul 10, 2014, at 4:51 AM, Henry Jen <henry.jen at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Petr.
>> I worked out AquaFileChooserUI and updated the webrev to adapt comments from both you and Joe.
>> The updated webrev is at,
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk9/8044862/1/webrev/
>> Cheers,
>> Henry
>> On 07/09/2014 01:07 AM, Petr Pchelko wrote:
>>> Hello, Henry.
>>> AquaComboBoxRendererInternal : why <? extends Object> and not just <?>?
>>> AquaComboBoxUI:427, 510, 530 - you can replace JComboBox<Object> with JComboBox<?> and avoid a @SupressWarning annotation.
>>> AquaFileChooserUI.createDirectoryComboBoxRenderer actually returns a ListCellRenderer<File>,
>>> DirectoryComboBoxModel is a <File> model, and a combobox contains only Files. I suggest to try
>>> to genereficate this correctly and look where it brings us.
>>> Also I didn't look at the KeychainStore.java as I know nothing about this code.
>>> With best regards. Petr.
>>> On 09 июля 2014 г., at 7:30, Henry Jen <henry.jen at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Would someone from swing team care to take a look at this?
>>>> The change of src/macosx/classes/sun/font/CFontConfiguration.java will be dropped as it had been fixed in JDK-8048980.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Henry
>>>> On 06/27/2014 03:00 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
>>>>> Hi Henry,
>>>>> Your changes look good to me (I assume there was an issue using
>>>>> wildcards in AquaComboBoxButton.java).
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -Joe
>>>>> On 06/27/2014 02:45 PM, Henry Jen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Please review a webrev for fixing rawtypes and unchecked lint warning
>>>>>> for macosx specific java code, this webrev is depending on
>>>>>> JDK-8043548[1] where some of the override methods are defined,
>>>>>> Also as the src/macosx/classes/apple/launcher/JavaAppLauncher.java to
>>>>>> be removed from JDK-8048337, the webrev omits that file.
>>>>>> The webrev can be found at,
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk9/8044862/0/webrev/
>>>>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8043548
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Henry

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