<Swing Dev> RFR : 8049893 Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across client classes

Andrej Golovnin andrej.golovnin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 09:00:10 UTC 2014

Hi Petr,

BasicLookAndFeel - making “shared Integers” and “shared longs” is pointless
> after your fix. Please inline.

It's not pointless.

 458         Integer fiveHundred = 500;
 460         // *** Shared Longs
 461         Long oneThousand = 1000L;

500 and 1000L are outside of the range [-127, 128]. Therefore they won't be

But this one:

676         Integer four = 4;

can be indeed inlined.

Best regards,
Andrej Golovnin

> With best regards. Petr.
> On Jul 11, 2014, at 5:36 AM, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana <
> otaviopolianasantana at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8049893
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8049893/
> --
> Cheers!.
> Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
> blog:     http://otaviosantana.blogspot.com.br/
> twitter: http://twitter.com/otaviojava
> site:     *http://about.me/otaviojava <http://about.me/otaviojava>*
> 55 (11) 98255-3513
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