<Swing Dev> RFR: 8044740: Convert all JDK versions used in @since tag to 1.n[.n] in jdk repo

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Jun 4 05:16:39 UTC 2014

On 6/3/14 8:17 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> You will need to include awt-dev and security-dev since this patch touches those areas as well. Other impacted groups I missed?

awt-dev is not all. This patch touches 2D and Swing code also.
so awt-dev, 2d-dev & swing-dev.
Those need to be pushed to 9/client and reviewed there.
I wonder if @since on the implementation classes is even worth it or
whether there is a policy there. No one should be reading that part
of the doc. Did you just blindly change everything or did you consider
what is really API ? Its probably inconsistently applied too.
Maybe they should be @Override instead 0- where applicable - else removed.

> I would like to see this all go back in one changeset to dev repo though as it would be a lot cleaner that way.
> I am concerned a bit that if we retain standard names for non-jdk standards it may be sometimes confusing or lacking in context to see a raw version number. Consistency is trumps all, but I would prefer to see JDK#.#[.#] used to be unambiguous.

That is a high order bit.

If anything is to be touched, the result had better be what is wanted 
long term.


> I don't see any missteps in the changeset but wouldn't want mine to be the only review.
> Mike
> On Jun 3 2014, at 18:22 , Henry Jen <henry.jen at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In an effort to determine APIs availability in a given version, it became obvious that a consistent way to express @since tag would be beneficial.
>> So started with the most obvious ones, where we have various expression for JDK version, this webrev make sure we use @since 1.n[.n] for JDK versions.
>> The main focus is on public APIs, private ones are taken care if it is straightforward, otherwise, we try to keep the information.
>> Some public APIs are using @since <STANDARD> <standard version> format, they are also preserved for now, but I think it worth discussion whether we want to change to the version as included in J2SE.
>> There are APIs without @since information, separate webrevs will be coming to complete those information.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044740
>> The webrev can be found at
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk9/8044740/0/webrev
>> but it's probably easier just look into the raw diff,
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk9/8044740/0/webrev/jdk.changeset
>> Cheers,
>> Henry

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