<Swing Dev> SpringLayout equivalent behavior

Tadeus Prastowo tadeus.prastowo at yandex.com
Fri Apr 24 08:40:19 UTC 2015

Hi Alex!

Thank you for the pointer. I have filed the problem there. But sadly, the reporting system is proprietary now that I cannot see my open issue as commonly the case when participating in a free software development like, for example, Ubuntu launchpad.

Best regards,

24.04.2015, 15:16, "Alexander Scherbatiy" <alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com>:
>   You can create an issue on it: http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport
> Thanks,
> Alexandr.
> On 4/24/2015 11:04 AM, Tadeus Prastowo wrote:
>>  Hi!
>>  Could someone give me a pointer to where I should ask/file the following Swing layout problem, please?
>>  20.04.2015, 18:55, "Tadeus Prastowo" <tadeus.prastowo at yandex.com>:
>>>  Hi!
>>>  It is shown on https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/spring.html#alternatives that
>>>  layout.putConstraint(
>>>     SpringLayout.WEST, label,
>>>     5,
>>>     SpringLayout.WEST, contentPane);
>>>  is equivalent to
>>>  SpringLayout.Constraints  contentPaneCons = layout.getConstraints(contentPane);
>>>  contentPaneCons.setX(
>>>     Spring.sum(
>>>       Spring.constant(5),
>>>       contentPaneCons.getConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST)
>>>  ));
>>>  IMO, setting the X of a container from within the container will have no effect because the one who will set the container's X will be the layout manager of its parent container. Therefore, I think the correct one is:
>>>  SpringLayout.Constraints  labelCons = layout.getConstraints(label);
>>>  labelCons.setX(
>>>     Spring.sum(
>>>       Spring.constant(5),
>>>       labelCons.getConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST)
>>>  ));
>>>  What do you guys think?
>>>  Thank you.
>>>  --
>>>  Best regards,
>>>  Eus

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