<Swing Dev> RFD: JEP: Modernize the GTK3 Look and Feel implementation for OpenJDK

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 10:50:24 UTC 2015

Thanks Clemens!

Btw, I was able to move the status forward, thanks Mark that show me
how to do that at Fosdem. I'll be able to share some code pretty soon,
this is an all new implementation and I'm taking some very different
choices and I would like early feedback.

The first step for me will be to have a library that can be used
standalone, then I'll think about the details of merging into the JDK
proper, including the refactoring work needed to the old look and


2015-02-06 23:40 GMT+01:00 Clemens Eisserer <linuxhippy at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I don't have anything valueable to add, just would like to thank you
> for working on the GTK3 LnF.
> The GTK2 LNF's code paths are pure horror from a performance
> point-of-view - it is a really valueable addition that GTK3 can render
> to client-side surfaces without any obscure workaround.
> Thanks!
> - Clemens

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