<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Request for comment: merging the openjdk client groups ?

Mario Torre neugens at redhat.com
Thu Feb 19 16:03:01 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-02-18 at 16:06 -0800, Phil Race wrote:
> There have been brief internal exchanges every now and again for some 
> substantial period
> of time (18 months at least) as to whether we should consolidate the 
> various JDK client groups
> in openjdk. The client groups are considered to be 2d, awt, swing, and 
> sound (see
> http://openjdk.java.net/groups/).
> There is substantial overlap and some confusion over the boundaries of 
> these areas and
> Sound in particular has a very small membership.
> So we are floating the idea of consolidating the groups into one large 
> strong group (client) where
> anyone who is a member of one of the consolidated groups would be a 
> member of
> the new group. Any project sponsored by the consolidated groups would be 
> deemed
> sponsored by the new client group. There would still be some 'division' 
> as I expect the
> individual mailing lists to persist. There would only be one 'lead' of 
> course and that
> might be one consequence worth calling out.
> Whether to proceed with the idea will depend in part on the feedback to 
> the proposal
> which we are soliciting here. So is this something we should pursue ?
> -Phil Race.

I would make sense for me as well.


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