<Swing Dev> Proposal for change to javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor

Doychin Bondzhev doychin at dsoft-bg.com
Tue May 5 10:40:55 UTC 2015

Hi, guys.

i can't check in the archive was this ever discussed before but here is 
my proposal:

Right now  DefaultCellEditor has 3 constructors which accept text field, 
check box and combo box.

If you want to use another control that is more complex like panel with 
few buttons for example you will need to inherit from DefaultCellEditor 
  and call any of the three constructors and then in your code to reload 
editor component and delegate fields with new values.

What if there is default DefaultCellEditor constructor without parameters?

Or the other way is to have DefaultCellEditor constructor that accepts 
JComponent and EditorDelegate as parameters and just stores that values 
in editorComponent field. It will be the responsibility of the developer 
that inherits the DefaultCellEditor to create an instance of 
EditorDelegate that implements the necessary methods needed to 
communicate with his JComponent instance.

Any thoughts on this?

Doychin Bondzhev
dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
PowerStor - Warehouse & POS
Mobile: +359888243116
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