<Swing Dev> [9] Review Request for 8030702: Deadlock between subclass of AbstractDocument and UndoManager

Semyon Sadetsky semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com
Tue Sep 8 11:06:41 UTC 2015

On 9/8/2015 1:07 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
> On 9/8/2015 12:48 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>> On 9/8/2015 12:26 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>> On 9/8/2015 11:28 AM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>> On 9/7/2015 5:56 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>> On 9/7/2015 5:08 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>> On 9/7/2015 2:41 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>> On 9/4/2015 9:00 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 9/4/2015 6:11 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 9/3/2015 10:01 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/5/2015 4:50 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/5/2015 2:39 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/5/2015 2:00 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/5/2015 1:04 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 8:13 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 6:17 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 3:13 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 2:03 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 12:32 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/2015 11:47 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/3/2015 4:19 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/3/2015 3:12 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/31/2015 9:44 AM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good question. But I did not add a concrete class.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is that UndoManager provided by JDK 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wants to be serialized but undoable objects 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows nothing about that. The contract between 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoManager and undoable is UndoableEditListener 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which only notifies UndoManager to add a new 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit. AbstractDocument does not care about the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific UndoManager implementation and it can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contain plenty different UndoableEditListener. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is the current API approach.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If our specific UndoManager wants to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serialized it should also take into account that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the undoable it controls may require 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serialization. For that it needs undoable's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronization monitor and AbstractDocument can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide it using writeLock()/writeUnlock() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods. I assumed that in the first turn 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoManger should work well with JDK undoables 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than to serve as a general implementation. Also 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to preserve the current API.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And your suggestion is to change the existing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoableEditListener API by introducing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronization methods in it. Am I correctly 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    What I said is that UndoManager can be used 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not only by AbstractDocument but also in other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes which can have the same synchronization 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    There should be a way to solve these problems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without storing links of external classes inside 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the UndoManager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As well as AbstractDocument can use another undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managers. It can be addressed to both parties. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They need each others locks to serialize changes 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without deadlock.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstarctDocument is related to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoableEditListener as one to many that means a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock should be taken for each undo manager before 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the document change.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Undo manager does not have any methods to get its 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock because it is an UndoableEditListener 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation. AbstarctDocument has API to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> receive its lock.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you still propose to fix the issue on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstractDocument side? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you clarify how do you see such fix?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Put an UndoableEdit/UndoableEditEvent/necessary 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information to a queue instead of firing the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> undoable edit event under the write lock. Do not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read the queue under the write lock. The queue 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allows to preserve the order of UndoableEdit's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding to an UndoManager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is not it the same as the previous attempt to fix 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this issue (see 8030118 )?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      8030118 fix does a strange thing like firing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> InsertUpdate document event out of the lock. Do not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Document change event need to be fired under write 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock because the change to the document should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atomic. Queue of changes is undo manager's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility not the document.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And such queue in the AbstractDocument would require 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complex coordination with all its undo managers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queues. What if undo called on undo manager during 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the doc's queue processing? The right undo/redo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requests and edit events order need to be preserved 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this case and it would be too complex or we would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to change the concept and make AbstractDocument 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to maintain its undo/redo history internally instead 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of external undo managers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     It only needs to pass undoable edits in the right 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order from abstract document to the UndoManager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consider the scenario: UndoManager executes undo/redo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before it receives the undoable edits. As result it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will undo not the last edit but intermediate and it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will crash because the document state is changed and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intermediate the undoable edit cannot be applied to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the final document state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     This is a good point. But this does not work 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neither with the current behavior nor with your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposed fix.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Consider the following scenario:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     document.insertString("AAA") // "AAA" UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is added to the UndoManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     document.insertString("BBB")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           writeLock();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           handleInsertString();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           // a user press undo, the "AAA" UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is selected in UndoManager but not executed, because of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the write lock
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fireUndoableEditUpdate("BBB") // UndoManager is waiting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the "AAA" UndoableEdit execution
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           writeUnlock()  // "AAA" UndoableEdit is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> executed instead of "BBB"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                   // "BBB" UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is added to the UndoManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will work after the fix. When undo() method is called 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it will be blocked on the document lock until the edit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is done in another thread. Then undo() will acquire the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> document lock and call editToBeUndone() method which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will return the actual last edit added with addEdit() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during the undoable callback execution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Is it possible to use the same undo manager with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> several abstract documents? If so, how are you going to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> map a document lock with the document undoable edit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without querying it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That scenario is possible. As well as several undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> managers can be assigned to the same document. I think I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can improve the fix in that direction when you agree with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the general approach.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      It is interesting how it is possible to do that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> without querying an undoable edit. Your fix is relaying 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that an abstract document lock should precede the undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>> manager lock but to get the right abstract manager lock you 
>>>>>>>>>>>> need to take an undoable edit under the undo manager lock 
>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>> We always have only two possible directions forward and 
>>>>>>>>>>> backward so it will require only 2 references.
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alexander,
>>>>>>>>>> Please, take a look on the updated version which works for 
>>>>>>>>>> any number documents shared one undo manager.
>>>>>>>>>> Also I removed the reference you did not like. This has some 
>>>>>>>>>> disadvantages but I think they are negligible.
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8030702/webrev.01/
>>>>>>>>>    You code looks like:
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>>>>> public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
>>>>>>>>>   synchronized (this) {
>>>>>>>>>     lockedDoc = getLockedDocument(edit);
>>>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>>>   // TP: 1
>>>>>>>>>   while (!done) {
>>>>>>>>>     lockedDoc.writeLock();
>>>>>>>>>     // ...
>>>>>>>>>     lockedDoc.writeUnlock();
>>>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>>>>>   Is it possible that on the line "TP: 1" a new UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>> will be added to the UndoManager so the the lockedDoc will not 
>>>>>>>>> point to the latest UndoableEdit which is taken on the line 438.
>>>>>>>> No. It is not possible because of
>>>>>>>> 438                     UndoableEdit edit = editToBeUndone();
>>>>>>>> It always return the last significant edit so we preserve the 
>>>>>>>> consistency.
>>>>>>>     I see.
>>>>>>>    There is one more question about the undoOrRedo() method 
>>>>>>> there the synchronization is removed.
>>>>>>>    Lets look at the sequences of calls to an UndoManager:
>>>>>>>     addEdit(anEdit1), addEdit(anEdit2), undoOrRedo(), undoOrRedo().
>>>>>>>    The result for two undoOrRedo() calls should neutralize each 
>>>>>>> other (it is just undo and redo calls).
>>>>>>>   Is it possible that after the fix the the first undoOrRedo() 
>>>>>>> from one thread fails to do the redo and before starting to do 
>>>>>>> the undo
>>>>>>>   the second undoOrRedo() call from another thread also fails to 
>>>>>>> do a redo action?
>>>>>>>   In this cases two undo actions could be called instead of undo 
>>>>>>> and redo.
>>>>>> It does not make any sense to make atomic the convenience method 
>>>>>> undoOrRedo() because undo() and redo() are not atomic.
>>>>>      All UndoManager.undo()/redo()/undoOrRedo() have synchronization.
>>>>>      For the sample described above two undoOrRedo() calls always 
>>>>> invoke undo() at first and redo() at the second step.
>>>>>      After the fix it is possible that two undo() methods can be 
>>>>> called.  It means that there will be a regression in the 
>>>>> undoOrRedo() method behavior after the fix.
>>>> The spec of the method to not promise any deterministic behavior 
>>>> for two consequent calls.
>>> javadoc for UndoManager.undoOrRedo() method [1]:
>>>   "Convenience method that invokes one of undo or redo. If any edits 
>>> have been undone (the index of the next edit is less than the length 
>>> of the edits list) this invokes redo, otherwise it invokes undo."
>>> For the sequence of calls addEdit(anEdit1), addEdit(anEdit2), 
>>> undoOrRedo(), undoOrRedo():
>>> Step 1: call undoOrRedo() - there are no undone edits, the undo 
>>> should be invoked.
>>> Step 2: call undoOrRedo() - there is one undone edit, the redo 
>>> should be invoked.
>>> [1] 
>>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.html#undoOrRedo--
>> I think it is obvious that this never worked if addEdit() and 
>> undoOrRedo() are called from different threads without the external 
>> synchronization.
>> The fix changes nothing here. It works fine in a single thread approach.
>     The javadoc does not mention that it is not thread safe to use the 
> undoOrRedo() method from different treads.
>     You can get all permutations of the "addEdit(anEdit1), 
> addEdit(anEdit2), undoOrRedo(), undoOrRedo()" calls and check the the 
> fix does not break cases which worked before the fix.

A sequence of calls can be permuted in a single thread? How?

> Thanks,
>    Alexandr.
It is
>>>>>>>>>  I still think that updating the UndoableManager for one 
>>>>>>>>> particular AbstarctManager class can be made only after 
>>>>>>>>> investigation of other possibilities.
>>>>>>>>>    You could start with choosing behavior which you want to 
>>>>>>>>> achieve or to keep, like:
>>>>>>>>>    - fix the deadlock
>>>>>>>>>    - atomic  undo() method
>>>>>>>>>    - serialization
>>>>>>>>>    - immediate roll back action
>>>>>>>>>    - abstract document consistency after undo() action
>>>>>>>>>   - ...
>>>>>>>> We need to pay attention to the deadlock at first of cause.
>>>>>>>> Serialization and consistency are achieved. Any concrete doubts?
>>>>>>>> immediate roll back action -- ?what is that?
>>>>>>>      "if user starts a long edit operation and press undo after 
>>>>>>> that he expects when the long edit is finished it will be rolled 
>>>>>>> back immediately." - what ever does it mean.
>>>>>> Got it. It will work within the fairness. We have discussed this 
>>>>>> allready.
>>>>>>>> I sacrificed undo/redo call atomicity because you did not like 
>>>>>>>> doc references in undo manager.  I think it is not important 
>>>>>>>> for the most multithreaded undo/redo scenarios.
>>>>>>>    Could you give more details about it. Which doc references do 
>>>>>>> you mean?
>>>>>> Your statement a dozen iterations ago was:  "There should be a 
>>>>>> way to solve these problems without storing links of external 
>>>>>> classes inside the UndoManager."
>>>>>> I guess you used "link" term for references. I would recommend to 
>>>>>> use standard terminology: reference to the object, dependency on 
>>>>>> the class, etc... to avoid misunderstanding.
>>>>>> Usually "link" is in a browser document or a tool that produces 
>>>>>> executables after compilation.
>>>>>>>>>  and look which of the following approaches can better solve 
>>>>>>>>> them (where the fist is more preferred and the last is less 
>>>>>>>>> preferred case):
>>>>>>>>>   - using UndoManager as is without adding links from some 
>>>>>>>>> specific classes to it
>>>>>>>>>   - provide an API for UndoManager to work with UndoableEdit-s 
>>>>>>>>> which have synchronization for undo/redo methods
>>>>>>>>>   - adding links of external classes directly to UndoManager
>>>>>>>> What do you mean under link term? A reference or dependency?
>>>>>>>     There are two options. If UndoManager is a class designed to 
>>>>>>> be only used with the AbstractDocument and placed in the 
>>>>>>> javax.swing.text package it definitly can have special code to 
>>>>>>> handle an abstract document instance in a special way.
>>>>>>>    If   UndoManager is a general purpose class, it looks strange 
>>>>>>> that it handles some special classes in different way as all 
>>>>>>> others. It usually mean that there are some design problems in 
>>>>>>> this class. That is why I just asked to look at other ways at 
>>>>>>> first. Only if other solutions are not suitable it has sense to 
>>>>>>> look at the way that you are provided.
>>>>>> Correct. I introduced extra dependency. It is optional, but 
>>>>>> anyway. Of cause there is a design problem in undo 
>>>>>> javax.swing.undo package. But I cannot rewrite the API because we 
>>>>>> will get a compatibility problem then. I mentioned this several 
>>>>>> times in this thread.
>>>>>>>> We are constrained by compatibility requirements.  UndoManager 
>>>>>>>> is a broadly used class we cannot change the API so drastically.
>>>>>>>    I think that you can generalize your solution just adding an 
>>>>>>> internal interface like sun.swing.UndoableEditLock.
>>>>>>>    Every UndoableEdit which implements this interface can 
>>>>>>> provide a lock for its synchronization.
>>>>>>>    If this will work it can be made public in some days so other 
>>>>>>> application can also have proper synchronization for their 
>>>>>>> undo/redo actions.
>>>>>> OK. I added it.
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8030702/webrev.02/
>>>>>    - We can return a public class that implements an internal 
>>>>> interface, but we can't expose an internal API in the public class 
>>>>> definition.
>>>>>      May be it is possible to wrap an UndoableEdit to the 
>>>>> UndoableEditLockSupport in the UndoableEditEvent or in some other 
>>>>> place.
>>>>>    - The similar code is used both in the UndoManager.undo() and 
>>>>> redo() methods. Is it possible to move this code to one method 
>>>>> that does undo or redo depending on the given argument?
>>>> OK. accepted.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8030702/webrev.03/
>>>    - UndoManager.undo/redo methods
>>>      In your previous fix inProgress variable and the super call 
>>> were used under the lock. It may leads to some synchronization 
>>> issues if you decide to omit it.
>>>   - UndoManager.tryUndoOrRedo()
>>>     It is possible to get rid of 'done' variable just using an 
>>> infinity loop and return the exact result where the loop is terminated.
>>>    - AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEventUndoableWrapper implements 
>>> both UndoableEdit and UndoableEditLockSupport interfaces but 
>>> UndoableEditLockSupport already extends UndoableEdit.
>>>    - "@since 1.9" javadoc for 
>>> DefaultDocumentEventUndoableWrapper.lockEdit()/unlockEdit() methods 
>>> really belongs to the UndoableEditLockSupport methods.
>>>      In this case there is no need for  {@inheritDoc} tag.
>>>   Thanks,
>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>> "adding links of external classes directly to UndoManager" -  
>>>>>>>> Sorry, did not catch what are you about? Could you clarify?
>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There  is a mistake in your scenario steps: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fireUndoableEditUpdate() is called before the freeing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the lock (see AbstractDocument.handleInsertString() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet another argument do not do this from the user 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> experience: if user starts a long edit operation and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> press undo after that he expects when the long edit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is finished it will be rolled back immediately. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     It is not true. The first process adds his undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit to the UndoManager. While a user trying to press 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> undo the second long process can be started.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is what led to this issue because when undo is in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progress document writing should be allowed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry but I didn't see why is "It not true"? Then what 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is your expectation when you press undo button while 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit is not finished yet and there is no way to abort it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     It would be good if it works as you described. But 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it does not work in this way with or without your fix.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     undo() action has writeLock in AbstractDocument and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because of it is always executed after insert string 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> action.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     If a user sees that undo is available, he can call 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it but the second long insertString process can start 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earlier and acquire the writeLock.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is what we are going to fix. And this does work 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after this fix. Undo call will be blocked by the long 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit until the last is done without any deadlocks. And 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when edit is done undo() will acquire the lock and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevent any new edits until undo() is done. Please 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide a scenario when in your opinion it does not wok.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      The first process starts for 5 minutes. When it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finished a user sees that he can press undo. While he is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressing undo button, the second long process starts for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 minutes and acquire the write lock. The user presses 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> undo but he needs to wait 10 more minutes until the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> second process is finished.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, if two or more threads are waiting for a monitor 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is not determined which one will get the control after 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the signal. To order that the ReentrantLock API could be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> used but AbstractDocument uses wait/notify for locking. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think it is not worth to dig so deep. It does not cause 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any issues 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     The issue that is considered is "if user starts a long 
>>>>>>>>>>>> edit operation and press undo after that he expects when 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the long edit is finished it will be rolled back immediately."
>>>>>>>>>>>>     If you are agree that it is not always possible to do 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the roll back "immediately" there is no point to discussion.
>>>>>>>>>>> I agree. On that level it is not possible to predict the 
>>>>>>>>>>> order exactly in such scenario. But the state of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> document will be consistent. And it is possible to have it 
>>>>>>>>>>> predictable using lock fairness.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> because undo() always get the last edit anyway. If it will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be important for somebody to preserve the execution order 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on that level of details we will fix it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So undo should be executed after the edit is fully 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performed because the corresponding UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which undos this edit can be produced only after the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit is done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think at first we need to look on the situation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> externally rather than concentrate on implementation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions like in which class do references go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Yes, please look on this situation from a user 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point of view which wants to implement simple Java 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Painter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But could you describe this scenario? Just steps when 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this simple Painter fails under the proposed fix?I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note, if this Painter's content is not an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstarctDocument it will work as before the fix.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Any application that uses UndoManager and wants to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the same synchronization (have the same lock both 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for UndoableEdit adding and undo() method execution) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have the same deadlock problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    As I have already written:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ---------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Consider someone writes Java Painter application 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where it is possible to draw lines and images and uses 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoManager for undo/redo actions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    He might want that it was possible to work with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> copied images. He can get lock on ctrl+v action, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process an image, prepare UndoableEdit and notify the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoManager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    He also can use lock/unlock in the undo action to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a consistent state with the processed image. If 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone calls undo action during the image processing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and gets a deadlock does it mean that link from Java 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Painter need to be added to the UndoManager?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ---------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still do not understand the steps for your Painter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario. A link (reference?) can be added if it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required to implement functionality. If the content is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not an AbstarctDocument it may be required to implement 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom UndoManager to support the same behavior.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     What is the difference between the AbstractDocument 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and other classes (in Swing or user defined)? Do you mean 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the UndoManager is intended only to be used with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstractDocument and it shouldn't be used in other cases 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where undo/redo actions are required for non text data?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, undo manager can be used with any classes. But since 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we have it assigned to AbstarctDocument so often we need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do our best to make undo manager working with it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly because users do not like deadlocks usualy. For 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other classes we cannot provide synchronization by default 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> because there is no API to get the lock. So it remains up 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to user how to provide the undo manager synchronization 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the object it controls for other classes
>>>>>>>>>>>>     What we should do just to understand that the same 
>>>>>>>>>>>> deadlock can happen in an user applications because he 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wants to use the same synchronization both for the data 
>>>>>>>>>>>> processing and for the undo action. If so, there should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> two investigations:
>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. Is it possible to achieve the requested goals without 
>>>>>>>>>>>> changing UndoManager? In other words The UndoManager should 
>>>>>>>>>>>> be used in proper way as it is required by its design.
>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. Is it possible to update the UndoManager API to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> provide functionality that meets new requests?
>>>>>>>>>>> With API change it is reachable. But I would preserve the 
>>>>>>>>>>> current API as less constrained. If we add some methods for 
>>>>>>>>>>> locking we will determine the way how a user should 
>>>>>>>>>>> synchronize his undoable content.  And user may not need any 
>>>>>>>>>>> synchronization at all. We should keep in mind this 
>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Only after this discussion there can be a reason to look 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to other ways.
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think our undo manager implementation do not pretend to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be used as the global undo manager for big complex 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications and it cannot cover all possible undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> approaches. But some basic functionality can be provided 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it should be usable. Without edits serialization 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> approach it is not usable for multithreaded use. So either 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we do not pretend to provide a multithreaded undo manager 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and remove all synchronize keywords from UndoManager 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> class, either we need to support serialization approach 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which does not cause deadlocks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't see a contradiction here, could you point on it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more precisely?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/30/2015 5:27 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Consider someone writes Java Painter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application where it is possible to draw lines 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and images and uses UndoManager for undo/redo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    He might want that it was possible to work 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with copied images. He can get lock on ctrl+v 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> action, process an image, prepare UndoableEdit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and notify the UndoManager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    He also can use lock/unlock in the undo 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> action to have a consistent state with the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processed image. If someone calls undo action 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during the image processing and gets a deadlock 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does it mean that link from Java Painter need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be added to the UndoManager?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like AbstractDocument violates 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UndoManager synchronization contract when it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both use lock to work with UndoManager and in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the implemented undo() method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Semyon

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