<Swing Dev> [9] Review request for 8132119 Provide public API for text related methods in SwingUtilities2

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Fri Apr 8 18:34:44 UTC 2016

Just my $0.02 (feel free to ignore).

Specifying "throws" on a method for an unchecked exception like NPE 
seems odd. Typically, only checked exceptions are declared. Both checked 
and unchecked exceptions can and should be documented with @throws.

-- Kevin

Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 07.04.16 17:07, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>    Could you review the updated fix:
>>      http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132119/webrev.10
> Looks fine to me, but I am curious how often we use "throws NPE" in 
> public API (especially w/o "@throws NPE" in javadoc).
>> On 07/04/16 14:09, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>> On 06.04.16 23:23, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>> Could you review the updated fix:
>>>>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132119/webrev.09
>>> There is tiny typos
>>> TextUIDrawing.getClippedString():
>>>     "@param c the component"
>>>     I guess it should be:
>>>     "@param c the component, may be null"
>>    Updated.
>>> BasicTextUIDrawing:
>>>     There is no dots at the end of the description of the class.
>>> I am not sure but will javadoc automatically copy the @throws tag from
>>> the parent tag? For example @throws NullPointerException to
>>> BasicTextUIDrawing.drawString().
>>     I added throws NPE to the BasicTextUIDrawing class methods. It
>> forces copying @throws tag from the parent javadoc.
>>    Thanks,
>>    Alexandr.
>>>>> But I can imagine they may also be handy when someone would typically
>>>>> want to implement
>>>>> only one or two out of a larger number in an interface and the 
>>>>> default
>>>>> and you for some
>>>>> reason don't want to do that with an abstract class (notably you want
>>>>> an other class to
>>>>> be able to implement the interface).
>>>>> So what do I think about the case where the interface is brand new 
>>>>> and
>>>>> what you've done is more or less implement a concrete class, but it's
>>>>> one that
>>>>> can be mixed in to another class ? Is that an appropriate use ?
>>>>> Maybe the test to pass in that case is whether the default
>>>>> implementation
>>>>> is going to be satisfactory for 90% of uses. If they are frequently
>>>>> over-ridden
>>>>> it would not be an appropriate use.
>>>>    Using this argument it seems if someone wants to implement the
>>>> TextUIDrawing it needs to override all its methods to keep them in 
>>>> sync.
>>>> Because of this I moved the TextUIDrawing implementation to the 
>>>> separate
>>>> javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUIDrawing class.
>>> I am fine, just one note. Now we have the interface, and the class
>>> without any state, and
>>>  - If the users need to implement the only one method, then it will be
>>> necessary to subclass a BasicTextUIDrawing, which will limit the
>>> possible class hierarchy.
>>>  - If the user most of the time will need to implement all methods to
>>> make them in sync he also can override BasicTextUIDrawing, then why we
>>> need the interface?
>>>>> Based on that criterion I think it is OK to use here.
>>>>> Another thought:
>>>>> When you add default implementations you should also be on the hook
>>>>> for explaining what that does. It is a deeper contract than you would
>>>>> otherwise have as an interface and maybe needs to be an @implNote
>>>>> or you need to call out the default implementation.
>>>>> ie there is what someone must code to satisfy the contract of the
>>>>> interface and what is a behaviour in the default method ?
>>>>    I added the addition "using text properties and anti-aliasing hints
>>>> from the provided component" description to the BasicTextUIDrawing
>>>> class. There is always a question how many details a method 
>>>> description
>>>> should contain. It is not clear for  me should, for example, the used
>>>> numeric shaper be listed in the description or not? Especially when
>>>> there is an enhancement that the methods implementation should take 
>>>> more
>>>> text attributes  into account.
>>>>> Also here is a link to some comments by Brian Goetz on default
>>>>> methods :
>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28681737/java-8-default-methods-as-traits-safe/28684917#28684917 
>>>>>   75      * No character is underlined if the index is negative or
>>>>> greater
>>>>>   76      * than the string length {@code (index < 0 || index >=
>>>>> string.length())}
>>>>>   77      * or if the char value specified at the given index
>>>>>   78      * is in the low-surrogate range.
>>>>> I suppose if you point at the last char and it is a hi-surrogate
>>>>> nothing is underlined in that case either.
>>>>> But I find the whole writing of this a bit inadequate as if you are
>>>>> going to
>>>>> this kind of detail you perhaps also need to say what happens in a
>>>>> complex
>>>>> script where what happens is two unicode characters end up as a
>>>>> ligature,
>>>>> and/or perhaps you aren't even pointing to a base character.
>>>>> Maybe it is in fact over-specified. I see that the implementation 
>>>>> draws
>>>>> the underline itself rather than delegate to TextLayout. This might
>>>>> make sense for performance reasons where it is simple text but 
>>>>> some day
>>>>> this maybe should be re-examined and so I would not over-specify it.
>>>>> How about :
>>>>> "The underline will be positioned at the base glyph which
>>>>> represents the valid char indicated by the index.
>>>>> If the char index is not valid or is not the index of a
>>>>> valid unicode code point then no underline is drawn"
>>>>    Updated.
>>>>    Thanks,
>>>>    Alexandr.
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 03/24/2016 07:22 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>>>> On 24.03.16 16:52, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>> On 24/03/16 10:36, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Alexander,
>>>>>>>> Could you answer one question:
>>>>>>>> Why did you choose default interface methods to implement
>>>>>>>> TextUIDrawing and not implement them in DefaultTextUIDrawing 
>>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>> declarations only in the interface?
>>>>>>>> AFAIK the common point of view is default methods should be used
>>>>>>>> rarely because they may lead to unreadable code.
>>>>>>>    The only problem which I know about default methods is multiple
>>>>>>> inheritance which has its own solution.
>>>>>> What kind of problems? The benefit is obvious: it will not be
>>>>>> necessary to implement all methods if only one of them should be
>>>>>> tweaked.
>>>>>>>    Could you give links to discussion or provide use cases where
>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>> methods leads to the unreadable code and show how does it relate
>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>> TextUIDrawing  implementation?
>>>>>>>    Thanks,
>>>>>>>    Alexandr.
>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>> On 3/18/2016 6:49 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Could you review the updated fix:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132119/webrev.08/
>>>>>>>>>   - Public TextUIDrawing interface is added to the 
>>>>>>>>> javax.swing.plaf
>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>   - TextUIDrawing methods description does not mention component
>>>>>>>>> properties to be more general
>>>>>>>>>   - TextUIDrawing methods are made default
>>>>>>>>>   - L&F sets an instance of the TextUIDrawing to look and feel
>>>>>>>>> defaults using "uiDrawing.text" property
>>>>>>>>>   - ComponentUI class is not changed
>>>>>>>>>   - Each ComponentUI reads TextUIDrawing from UI defaults
>>>>>>>>>   - There is an interesting issue described in
>>>>>>>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2016-March/005509.html 
>>>>>>>>>     which is related to the fact that MetalLabelUI returns a 
>>>>>>>>> static
>>>>>>>>> field from createUI() method.
>>>>>>>>>     TitleBorder creates a JLabel but does not put it to any
>>>>>>>>> component
>>>>>>>>> hierarchy. In this case SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI()
>>>>>>>>> method
>>>>>>>>> calls MetalLabelUI.uninstallDefaults() on the static metalLabelUI
>>>>>>>>> field and sets a new LabelUI for ordinary labels. The TitleBorder
>>>>>>>>> label UI is not changed in this case and it still uses the
>>>>>>>>> metalLabelUI field which is not initialized.
>>>>>>>>>     It seems that other applications can also use components
>>>>>>>>> just for
>>>>>>>>> drawing and have the same issue.
>>>>>>>>>     For this case the textUIDrawing field is not cleared in the
>>>>>>>>> uninstallDefaults but just set to a static default value which
>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>> not lead to memory leaks.
>>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>> On 29/01/16 19:51, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 25/01/16 13:44, Andrej Golovnin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alexandr,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you review the updated fix:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132119/webrev.07/
>>>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>>>>> - public TextUIDrawing interface is added to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.swing.plaf
>>>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>>>> - public "TextUIDrawing getTextUIDrawing()" method is added
>>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> ComponentUI class
>>>>>>>>>>>> - L&F sets an instance of the TextUIDrawing to look and feel
>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults using
>>>>>>>>>>>> "uiDrawing.text" property
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Look and Feel delegates use the instance of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> TextUIDrawing
>>>>>>>>>>>> for text
>>>>>>>>>>>> drawing and measuring
>>>>>>>>>>> Some thoughts on the current design/implementation:
>>>>>>>>>>> By adding a field to the ComponentUI class the current
>>>>>>>>>>> implementation increases
>>>>>>>>>>> memory consumption for all Swing applications. And you get the
>>>>>>>>>>> feeling that
>>>>>>>>>>> there are different implementations of TextUIDrawing per
>>>>>>>>>>> ComponentUI instances.
>>>>>>>>>>> Personally I can't imagine to have different implementations of
>>>>>>>>>>> TextUIDrawing for
>>>>>>>>>>> a given LookAndFeel. If I would design/implement it, then I 
>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>> implement it as
>>>>>>>>>>> a property of the LookAndFeel class (similar to LayoutStyle) 
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> the ComponentUI.
>>>>>>>>>>> Developers can use then the following code to obtain the
>>>>>>>>>>> instance of
>>>>>>>>>>> TextUIDrawing:
>>>>>>>>>>> UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getUIDrawing() // or
>>>>>>>>>>> UIManager.getLookAndFeelUIDrawing() // use this static method
>>>>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>>>>> short cut for the line above.
>>>>>>>>>>   LayoutStyle keeps its instance per App context. The same is 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> the LookAndFeel
>>>>>>>>>>   when it is got through UIManager.getLookAndFeel() call.
>>>>>>>>>>   It means that accessing an instance of a TextUIDrawing will
>>>>>>>>>> leads
>>>>>>>>>> to a time consumption.
>>>>>>>>>>   There are 3 main ways of the SwingUtilities2.drawString(...)
>>>>>>>>>> usage:
>>>>>>>>>>   1. ComponentUI classes
>>>>>>>>>>   2. Components created in UI (like BasicInternalFrameTitlePane)
>>>>>>>>>>   3. Public utilities methods (like
>>>>>>>>>> WindowsGraphicsUtils.paintText())
>>>>>>>>>>   For the cases 1 and 2 it is possible to load and store the
>>>>>>>>>> UIDrawing instance during installUI()/updateUI() calls to
>>>>>>>>>> decrease a
>>>>>>>>>> time access to it.
>>>>>>>>>>   For the case 3 it is necessary to get LookAndFeel instance 
>>>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>>>> time (which is taken from an App context)
>>>>>>>>>>   or use the passed JComponent object. It requires to have a
>>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>>> method and the associated variable for each instance of
>>>>>>>>>> JComponent/ComponentUI/... class.
>>>>>>>>>>> You can use this methods then in JDK too.
>>>>>>>>>>> And maybe rename the TextUIDrawing class to just UIDrawing and
>>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>>> more useful methods,
>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. a method to create a composite font, a method to convert
>>>>>>>>>>> DLUs
>>>>>>>>>>> to pixels.
>>>>>>>>>>   UIDrawing name may look like it should be used for any UI
>>>>>>>>>> drawing,
>>>>>>>>>> not only for text ones. I am afraid that it can be misleading.
>>>>>>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrej Golovnin

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