<Swing Dev> [9] Review request for 8169922 SwingMark/TextArea: 2-7% regression on Linux, Mac, Windows in 9-b143

Alexandr Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Tue Dec 20 20:52:47 UTC 2016

On 12/16/2016 2:36 AM, Phil Race wrote:
> I just noticed that you spell the new methods with a single d :eg : 
> getFPMethodOverriden
> Like the variables that were there before it should be 
> getFPMethodOverridden
> and checkFPMethodOverridden
    Here is the updated fix where the typo is updated:

> Also, although rather unlikely to be a problem in practice, since there
> is nothing in the swing rules to prevent constructing a Swing component on
> a random thread, before adding it to the hierarchy, and the shared Map 
> is populated
> at construction time, it seems like we need a ConcurrentHashMap ..
   It seems that it could be possible that a constructor can schedule to 
run some actions calling SwingUtilities.invokeLater().
   In this case both threads (the thread where a Swing component is 
constructor and EDT) can simultaneously start the object fields updating.
   There is  still no guarantee that all works as expected if a Swing 
component is constructed in non-EDT.


> -phil.
> On 12/15/2016 09:06 AM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you review the updated fix:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8169922/webrev.01
>> - the HashMap is stored in SoftRefence
>> - the typo in getMethodArguments() is fixed
>> - classes FPMethodItem and FPMethodArgs are defined in the PlainView 
>> class.
>> Thanks,
>> Alexandr.
>> On 12/14/2016 8:30 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>> Hi, Alexander.
>>> Should not the storage be based on soft references? In the current 
>>> solution we will store the references to the checked classes forever 
>>> in the static map.
>>>> 13 дек. 2016 г., в 18:41, Alexandr Scherbatiy 
>>>> <alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com> написал(а):
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Could you review the fix:
>>>>   bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169922
>>>>   webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8169922/webrev.00
>>>>   The fix JDK-8156217 checks presence of the overridden methods 
>>>> with floating point arguments.
>>>>   The proposed fix caches results of found overridden methods with 
>>>> floating point arguments.
>>>>   I run the SwingSet2 with the custom test which intensively 
>>>> creates JTextField, JPasswordField, JTextArea, and JEditorPane.
>>>>   The results of the test running with the following JDK are:
>>>>   1. Methods with int arguments are always called without the 
>>>> methods overridden check: 45822 // before the fix JDK-8156217
>>>>   2. Methods with floating point arguments are always called 
>>>> without the methods overridden check: 46175
>>>>     performance decreasing: 100 * (46175 - 45822) / 45822 = 0.77%
>>>>   3. Methods with floating point arguments are always called with 
>>>> the methods overridden check: 48836 // fix JDK-8156217
>>>>     performance decreasing: 100 * (48836 - 45822) / 45822 = 6.58%
>>>>   4. Methods with floating point arguments are always called and 
>>>> the methods overridden checks are cached: 46592 // current fix
>>>>     performance decreasing: 100 * (46592 - 45822) / 45822 = 1.68%
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexandr.

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