<Swing Dev> Input needed: JDK-8161664: Memory leak in com.apple.laf.AquaProgressBarUI: removed progress bar still referenced

Alexandr Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Tue Jul 19 16:06:49 UTC 2016

On 7/19/2016 4:33 PM, Robin Stevens wrote:
> Hello Alexandr,
> very valid remark.
> Running that same test program on Linux with the metal look and feel 
> reveals no memory leak. I have no access to a Windows machine, so I 
> couldn't get the Windows specific look and feel.
> The other ProgressBarUI implementations seem to extend from 
> BasicProgressBarUI, which has the same mechanism of an Animator which 
> uses a Timer.
> However, in the test program the Timer does not get started on Linux 
> (while it gets started on OS X).
> In the BasicProgressBarUI class, all calls to startAnimationTimer are 
> wrapped with an if check:
>         if (progressBar.isDisplayable()) {
>             startAnimationTimer();
>         }
> In the scenario from my test, the isDisplayable method returns false. 
> On OS X, this check is missing so the timer is started.
    I believe that the changed AquaProgressBarUIMemoryLeakTest where the 
progress bar is visible and indeterminate value is set to true at the 
end should also not have the memory leaks.

> I assume adding that same check in the AquaProgressBarUI will fix the 
> problem as well. So that is a third approach to solve the issue.
> Robin
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:14 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy 
> <alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com 
> <mailto:alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     On 7/19/2016 12:27 PM, Robin Stevens wrote:
>         Hello,
>         I wanted to discuss my approach for issue JDK-8161664
>         (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8161664) before I
>         started working on this issue.
>         In certain scenarios (see the JIRA issue for an example), the
>         Timer in the Animator inner class of the AquaProgressBarUI
>         class remains running, even when the JProgressBar has already
>         been removed from the UI. This causes a memory leak, as that
>         running Timer avoids that the JProgressBar can be GC-ed. As
>         long as the Timer is running, the JProgressBar is referenced
>         through
>         Timer -> ActionListener (=Animator inner class) ->
>         AquaProgressBarUI outer class -> JProgressBar field
>         I see two possible approaches to fix this:
>         1) I carefully investigate the particular scenario I found,
>         and try to figure out why the Timer is not stopped and fix
>         this particular scenario. This offers of course no guarantees
>         that there are no other scenarios which keep the Timer running.
>         2) I replace one of the hard references with a weak reference,
>         hence avoiding the memory leak in all cases.
>         If I do not attach the Animator inner class directly as
>         listener to the timer, but use another ActionListener which
>         only has a WeakReference to the Animator class, the memory
>         leak is solved.
>         The ActionListener could then stop the timer when the timer is
>         fired and the WeakReference#get returns null.
>         I prefer the second approach. By cutting the hard reference
>         between the Timer and the Animator + stopping the Timer when
>         the Animator is GC-ed, I ensure that the Timer cannot cause a
>         memory leak anymore. This avoids overlooking certain scenarios.
>         Any input on this ? Any preferences for a certain approach, or
>         proposal for another approach.
>        Does other L&Fs (for example Metal) have the same memory leak
>     with the JProgressBar? If no, it would be interesting to know what
>     is the difference between them and the AquaProgressBarUI.
>       Thanks,
>       Alexandr.
>         Robin

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