<Swing Dev> Native look and feel on linux [2]

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Wed Jun 8 06:00:41 UTC 2016

You can create an issue at bugs.java.com.

Dalibor Topic 

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On 07.06.2016, at 23:45, Yan <yanp.bugz at gmail.com> wrote:

>> For example, Swing uses Metal Look-and-Feel by default on Linux platform
> But for Gnome DE the default is GTK+. Can I request a feature
> that enables possibility to change this default LAF (cause there are
> proprietary java software written on Swing like JetBrains IDEs or yEd)
> or make
> GTK+ default LAF on Cinnamon, Xfce and Mate DEs which are GTK+ based,
> and two of them even Gnome-based?
> Regards, Yan
> PS Sending second time due to no reply. Unfortunately, I'm not able to
> create tickets on https://bugs.openjdk.java.net
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