<Swing Dev> Review-request for 8145547: JEP 283: [AWT/Swing] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux

Semyon Sadetsky semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com
Wed Mar 16 17:52:41 UTC 2016

Hi Phil,

Thank for review. You will find my reply below in the text.

The updated webrev is 
It also contains:
- new properties jdk.gtk.version and jdk.gtk.verbose
- appearance tuning for Ubuntu 15 (GTK 3.14). It may require more but we 
can do this later as a separate bug.
The main implementation was done for Ubuntu 14.05 LTS (GTK 3.10) and 
then tuned for OEL 7 (GTK 3.8). Each minor GTK version may have some 
appearance changes.

On 3/15/2016 10:39 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> There is a lot to read here. I think I need to patch and try it but 
> first ...
> Two high level questions :
> 1) Have you verified that this behaves properly (or no worse than
> currently) with -Djava.awt.headless=true since Swing components
> are supposed to be able to draw off-screen in headless mode .. and
> yet a dependency on GTK and its dependency on xlibraries seems to mean
> that you can't load GTK in this case.
> BTW I think it may be painful to get them to layout in such a case
> but that's another issue.
I tested it by painting to a BufferedImage. Seems it is enough.
> 2) Have you tried a hi-dpi system ?
Yes I have. It is identical to the existing GTK2 based appearance.
> 3) Have you submitted a JPRT job ? It is essential to know that this
> builds cleanly on the "official" compilation environment.
I will do this before the push. I think it will be OK because I did not 
use any new C constructs and the new libraries are linked dynamically.
> 4)I expect you ran Swingset2 + GTK L&F but have you run any of the 
> regression test suite ?
Yes I ran javax/swing tests but many of them fails with GTK2 as well. 
With GTK3 the result was the same except for some unstable tests. Unity 
desktop has new window decorations like borderless windows which are 
resized by dragging the outer window shadow, invisible overlay 
scrollbars, etc. Many tests written for old window decorations fails.
> Minor comments :
> GTKEngine.java
>  494         Container parent = context.getComponent().getParent();
>  495         if(GTKLookAndFeel.is3()) {
>  496             if (parent != null && parent.getParent() instanceof 
> JComboBox) {
>  497                 if (parent.getParent().hasFocus()) {
>  498                     synthState |= SynthConstants.FOCUSED;
>  499                 }
>  500             }
>  501         }
> GTKPainter.java
> 746         if (GTKLookAndFeel.is3()) {
>  747             if (slider.getOrientation() == JSlider.VERTICAL) {
>  748                 y += 1;
>  749                 h -= 2;
>  750             } else {
>  751                 x += 1;
>  752                 w -= 2;
>  753             }
>  754         }
> I don't know where these numbers come from or what coordinate system
> is being used here but it seems you are changing them for gtk 2.2 as 
> well as 3
> Can you speak to this ?
It is an appearance tuning for GTK3. I didn't change it for GTK2, why do 
you think so?
This was used before my fix as well, for example

                     if (containerParent instanceof JComboBox) {
                         x += (focusSize + 2);
                         y += (focusSize + 1);
                         w -= (2 * focusSize + 1);
                         h -= (2 * focusSize + 2);
                     } else {
                         x += focusSize;
                         y += focusSize;
                         w -= 2 * focusSize;
                         h -= 2 * focusSize;

The only place where I changed the existing GTK2 appearance is:

1121         CLASS_SPECIFIC_MAP.put("Slider.thumbWidth", "slider-length");

  in GTKStyle.java, because this property was omitted by mistake.
> GTKStyle.java
> 735         if(!GTKLookAndFeel.is3()) {
> 840      } else if(GTKLookAndFeel.is3() && 
> "ComboBox.forceOpaque".equals(key)) {
> we prefer a space between "if" and "("
> sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.c
>  392     if (gtk->gtk_check_version(2, 8, 0) == NULL) {
> Maybe I am not looking at the right fn but I thought I saw
> this fn return a boolean so a check against NULL looks wrong.
The declaration is in GtkApi struct of gtk_interface.h. It returns 
char*. NULL means that the version is compatible.
>  393 
> gtk->gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(
>  394                 dialog), TRUE);
> You didn't add this but it is awfully specific about the GTK version and
> I wonder if this test is doing what it should be doing on GTK 3?
> It is interesting that some equivalent looking Java level dialog 
> checking in XToolkit.java
> checked for 3.0 too ..
> swing_GTKEngine.c :
>   30 /* Static buffer for conversion from java.lang.String to UTF-8 */
>   31 static char convertionBuffer[CONV_BUFFER_SIZE];
> So the variable name should be spelt conversionBuffer.
> awt_UNIXToolkit.c
> < 287 free(ret);
> You deleted this free(). Is that correct ? It seems to imply
> you now expect a boolean return as discussed above and
> so in that case NULL looks odd here (line 260) too.
The JNI exported method returns boolean while the GTK method returns 
char*. free() is deleted intentionally according to the GTK docs it 
belongs to the library and should not be freed by user code.
> gtk3_interface.h :
>   36 #define G_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
> I don't think that is completely accurate :-) And I should have 
> reviewed this yesterday [1].
:) This is glib's definition I just copied.

> -phil.
> [1] http://www.piday.org/
> On 03/05/2016 01:14 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please review fix for JDK9:
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145547
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8145547/webrev.00/
>> The fix contains GTK3 based implementation for Swing GTK LnF, AWT 
>> FileChooser for Linux and AWT Robot for Linux.
>> Also the new system property is added to request specific GTK version 
>> swing.gtk.version.
>> --Semyon

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