<Swing Dev> Native look and feel on linux [2]

Semyon Sadetsky semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com
Tue May 24 12:09:45 UTC 2016

Then simply add it to JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env variable. But it will act 
globally in your env.

If the software does not provide any convenient way to configure it, how 
JDK can help here?


On 5/24/2016 2:35 PM, Yan wrote:
>> Did you try to use
> -Dswing.systemlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel?
> Yes, I've tried this, it works for jar files, but what I have to do with
> other software like logisim on my system? Find every jar for every
> program, edit sh scripts? Sounds scary.
> Passing args is a dirty workaround. There is still no way to tell
> openjdk to use GTK LAF as System default.
> Regards, Yan

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