<Swing Dev> RFR 8157339: Further stabilization for the SwingSet client sanity tests.

Alexander Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Tue May 24 15:48:47 UTC 2016

The fix looks good to me.


On 23/05/16 22:52, Alexandre (Shura) Iline wrote:
> I have updated the web rev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8157339/webrev.01/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eshurailine/8157339/webrev.01/>
> I imagine I need an approval from one of the reviewers on the alias.
> Sergey, Phil, could any of you take a look or recommend somebody else 
> for that?
> Shura
>> On May 23, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline 
>> <alexandre.iline at oracle.com <mailto:alexandre.iline at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>> On May 20, 2016, at 3:29 PM, Alexander Kouznetsov 
>>> <alexander.kouznetsov at oracle.com 
>>> <mailto:alexander.kouznetsov at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>> Shura,
>>> Great changes.
>>> I have several comments on them:
>>>   * Seems like @key intermittent should be added to
>>>     ButtonDemoScreenshotTest.
>> That is an option. I will add this.
>>>   * OptionPaneDemoTest.java:
>>>       o Looks like the following line should be removed:
>>>         88 final String labelText = COMPONENT_R3;
>> Yes.
>>>      o
>>>       o And index 1 is not needed in the variable name here:
>>>         87 JDialogOperator jdo1 = new JDialogOperator(MESSAGE);
>>>       o Shouldn't waitText be used here?
>>>         97 if(textToType != null) {
>>>         98 new JTextFieldOperator(jdo).typeText(textToType);
>>>         99 }
>> Well, I do believe that this is not necessary for the positive case. 
>> Reason is that the input events are posted, the application would, 
>> sooner or later react on them. If it does not, this would be a bug in 
>> Swing, as, later, we _wait_ for the proper label in a dialog. I could 
>> make some sense for negative case. I will add the waiting.
>>>      o
>>>         as it is used below here:
>>>           191             jto.typeText(TEXT_TO_TYPE);
>>>         192 jto.waitText(TEXT_TO_TYPE);
>>>   * TreeDemoTest
>>>       o Description is not correct here:
>>>         + private void waitRowCount(JTreeOperator tree, int count) {
>>>         + tree.waitState(new ComponentChooser() {
>>>         + public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
>>>         + return tree.getRowCount() == count;
>>>         + }
>>>         + public String getDescription() {
>>>         + return "All nodes to be expanded in the tree";
>>>         + }
>>>         + });
>>>         + }
>> Yes.
>>>      o
>>>   * I'd propose to introduce a lambda-compliant method to easily
>>>     wait for any state without writing many lines of code. Something
>>>     like:
>>>          waitState("All nodes to be expanded in the tree", () ->
>>>     tree.getRowCount() == NODES_TOTAL);
>>>     That would allow to eliminate several methods like
>>>     waitRowCount() above.
>> Agree, although this should go into Jemmy. And it could be a further 
>> improvements.
>> Thank you for the review, Alexander!
>> Shura
>>>  *
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexander Kouznetsov
>>> (408) 276-0387
>>> On 5/19/2016 8:59 AM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Please take a look on the changes in:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8157339/webrev.00/
>>>> I have gone through the code to discover potential instabilities. I was not changing the test logic much and mostly changed the code where I had to change it for stabilization reason. In some cases it was easier to move logic into methods to avoid copy-pasting it around.
>>>> The other bits of work which I was able to identify (TODOs), do not affect test stability, as far as I can see.
>>>> I am CCing Praveen Mohan and Alexander Kouznetsov who had worked on that code before.
>>>> Shura.

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